Amber awoke with a loud scream. She leaped to her feet and looked around wildly. She panted heavily, her chest heaving up and down as she struggled to breath. She immediately began to gag, the horrible stench of the room invading her nostrils. She noticed several other wolves in the room with her. She stared at them horrified and backed away. She spotted a nearby canvas screen which she hurriedly ran behind, her tail pathetically tucked between her legs. She whimpered and lay down on the grated floor, trying to not inhale the smell. She stared at the dried blood that caked her fur. The memory of what happened that night flooded back to her. She dipped her head and closed her eyes. That had to be why she was here. She made a big mistake and now she was paying the price. She jumped when she felt something land next to her. She stood and backed away from the object and stared at it. It was a slab of raw meat. She cringed, the smell of the room and the sight of the uncooked meat did not mix well. She timidly glanced at the man outside the room who was tossing the meat in. Was this really what they were going to eat? She slumped back down to the floor, eyeing the meat wearily.