Indeed, the golem seemed to have fell into some sort of state of stillness, but Lammy didn't give much thought to it. He had assumed she might've regressed to some sort of power saving mode or something. "CAAHHWW! ([i]I am Sheeva, of the fearsome, fearless Red-Tails![/i])" The Hawk greeted the lady paladin, swooping from her perch to land on the druid's shoulder. "Yeah, yup, this is Sheeva. She is, indeed, a female Red-Tailed Hawk." Lammy translated in a way. "She's taken a liking to you, Lily. Especially after you took charge to confront the zombie guy earlier." He added, transferring her position from his shoulder to his wrist. "Alright Sheev, can you provide us with some eye from the sky? Call out if you see anything suspicious." He explained. She seemed alright with the task, giving a confirming chirp before taking off. "Alright. D'you need me on the ground, or do I need to join Sheeva?" He asked.