Also, don't post characters in the characters section unless you're accepted. That's probably not the case here... but if you don't get accepted, think about it. You're making a mess for all of those who do! Just a thought. ;) HOLY COW, 3K POSTS!? WTF!? I probably would have had that back in my day, but I'm [i]sooooo[/i] busy now, and all my RPs are [i]soooooo[/i] slow. [color=f7976a]T[/color][color=f9ad81]h[/color][color=fdc68a]i[/color][color=fff79a]s[/color] [color=c4df9b]i[/color][color=a2d39c]s[/color] [color=7bcdc8]a[/color] [color=6ecff6]P[/color][color=7ea7d8]a[/color][color=8493ca]g[/color][color=8882be]e[/color][color=a187be]c[/color][color=bc8dbf]l[/color][color=f49ac2]a[/color][color=f6989d]i[/color][color=f7976a]m[/color][color=f9ad81].[/color] [color=ed1c24]T[/color][color=f26522]r[/color][color=f7941d]e[/color][color=f7941d]a[/color][color=fff200]t[/color] [color=8dc73f]t[/color][color=39b54a]h[/color][color=00a651]e[/color][color=00a99d]m[/color] [color=00aeef]w[/color][color=0072bc]i[/color][color=0072bc]t[/color][color=0054a6]h[/color] [color=2e3192]r[/color][color=92278f]e[/color][color=ec008c]s[/color][color=ed145b]p[/color][color=9e0b0f]e[/color][color=a0410d]c[/color][color=a36209]t[/color][color=aba000],[/color] [color=598527]a[/color][color=1a7b30]n[/color][color=00746b]d[/color] [color=0076a3]t[/color][color=004b80]h[/color][color=1b1464]e[/color][color=440e62]y[/color] [color=630460]w[/color][color=9e005d]i[/color][color=9e0039]l[/color][color=ed1c24]l[/color] [color=f26522]r[/color][color=f7941d]e[/color][color=fff200]s[/color][color=8dc73f]p[/color][color=39b54a]e[/color][color=00a651]c[/color][color=00a99d]t[/color] [color=00aeef]y[/color][color=0072bc]o[/color][color=0054a6]u[/color] [color=2e3192]b[/color][color=662d91]a[/color][color=92278f]c[/color][color=ec008c]k[/color][color=ed145b].[/color] You must defend their honor from the evil overlord Lavul, by hiding them is mysterious ways whenever he lurks... for he has the power of an infinite world... his only weakness, is the gather of the Pageclaims. Also, I'm VERY sorry... but... right now... I have to get ready for the day, then head out for a long appointment. THAT'S when I'll be able to post my app. Maybe while I'm away... but, I might not finish it on my phone. Who knows. Turns out it takes 35 minutes to get to Warrenton, not 55. So, I have time. Plus, it's 11:50, and the appointment isn't until 2:20. Dang I have a lot of time. May I claim 'That kid that stands not scared, calling out his friend because he 'knows' it was her pulling a prank on them'? Ehe. Pros and cons for that plan: Pros: -Fun first post! -I get to say my character is usually smarter, but... of course, USUALLY, so that would mean AFTER that stupid mistake. Cons: -Will stand around while everyone else hides. -Won't think to hide right away. -Will get caught within the first few cycles due to kicking his feet around and not hiding. -Lose a +1 life. Woohoo! Those are pros and cons for me. Just reverse them for the evil character... lol.