While I'm writing my sheet, I diverged on a tangent involving the world on which my character grew up. Here's what I came up which, heavily ripped from Constantinople: [Hider=Note on Havendall] [img]http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-LUozn_8yCM8/Tos3YiWupyI/AAAAAAAABC4/8uCR-E9PjUk/s640/Rage+ruined+city.jpg[/img] [b][Havendall][/b] was a military world, founded by Emperor Oren II as a base from which the Imperial Fleet could launch raids into barbarian lands, and subsequently heavily fortified as the empire's priorities shifted from agression to defense. By the sack of Almata, it had become the single most heavily fortified planet in the known galaxy, with a reputation for being impregnable. Thanks to the extensive fortifications, Havendall had survived- through a constant, desperate struggle- in the chaos that ensued the collapse of the Empire. It became a focal point for the remnants of the Imperial Fleet to regroup to early on, and was ruled thereafter by a council of High Admirals, who nevertheless refused to name one among them emperor, awaiting the return of the old Empire. It became clear, however, that the safety of Havendall wouldn't last as it caught the attention of petty kings, and in the year 2913, two thirds of the fleets departed for the kingdom of Valyrius after a long and ugly conflict between those who saw the hopeless situation of the continually-besieged citadel, and those who clung steadfast to the old traditions. This schism weakened the already feeble remnants of the fleets, and over the centuries Havendall gradually saw its control over the surrounding space errode, as barbarian autocrats encroached ever deeper in its lands. By the 33rd century, Havendall- which was still officially called the Arcturian Empire- was reduced to the planet itself, now in a ruined world now in a perpetual state of war. It was finally extinguished by Arius in the year 3479, after a long and bloody siege in which the defenders fought for every inch of soil, and which forced the would-be emperor to send in wave after wave of his men to dislodge the remainder of the Imperial Army from the expansive underground bunker system which covered the planet. But fall it did, and by the battle's end, none of the imperials who had stayed survived. The shock following the destruction of Havendall played no small part in the fervor in which the Kingdom of Valyrius rallied and defeated Arius in the Battle of Archangel. Today, Havendall is a dead world on the fringe of Valyrian space, its ruins a reminder of the glory that was lost.[/hider] Also, I realize while writing this that every time I see the kingdom's name, I'm going to imagine wizards riding space dragons. To be fair, that's pretty bitchin'.