And with that, the good doctor was once again gone. So much for getting the answers they wanted. “Asshole” Heather mutters under her breath with a small frown while she considers going after the professor. She finally decides against chasing the doctor down and focuses her attention on the others, namely Ray and Nick. The two now seemed to have a full fight in the middle of poor Vee’s coffee shop. It was very annoying, attacking each other like this. Heather would be no closer to getting out of this experiment with these two throwing power punches at every turn. While watching the two, Heather became curious about her own power and decide now was the best time as any to try it out. Heather cracks her knuckles and raises her right hand. She could feel the crawling sensation increasing as Heather turn her hand into a gun gesture. She aims her index finger first at Ray who was in the process of punching the now temporally blinded Nick. “BAN” Heather mutters and in one quick motion, lowers her thumb, firing the pretend gun. Her fingertip glows light blue for a quick second before long bolt of electricity explodes from her finger. It hits Ray from behind, with enough force to only startle the man. Before Ray can react, Heather shoots another bolt, striking Nick in the shoulder. It is Heather’s hope that the surge of energy would have the same effect as cold water thrown on fighting cats, startle the two enough so they will calm the fuck down. “If you two jackasses are finish ruining Vee’s place of business with your little fight club, maybe we can decide on the real problem at hand.” Heather gestures toward the tablet left behind by Rohrbach. "What the hell are we going to do about the real bad guys?"