Blood hit the ground as it dripped from the soldiers neck as Jake lowered the lifeless corpse to the floor. The back route had been as lightly guarded as his intel gathering had suggested. He wiped the daggers blade off on a cloth before grabbing his radio with his free hand "Jake here, the last of the rear guard has been eliminated. No accidents or injuries to report, will be at the rear entrance soon." Jake clipped the radio back onto his belt before he gazed back to the SeeD's he'd been assigned to work with. They had proven themselves surprisingly useful so far. "Alright lets move up." Is all Jake said to them before he stepped out from between the buildings where the Galbadian Soldiers body had been left. The team had quickly made their way to rear of the building with no threat of any additional soldiers or reinforcements arriving. He stopped a fair distance from the door as he grabbed the radio once more. Before he spoke however Jake looked upon the Balamb SeeD's once more "It's time to show why you were chosen as Balamb's elite. Remember it's as much about stealth in there as it was out here. Choose your targets and take them out quickly." Jake finished his little prep talk as he pushed the transmit button in on the radio. "Rear team in position, awaiting your go." Jake had been curious as to why he'd been chosen as a team leader, although he was thankful for the opportunity to prove himself. Although had he been working below someone he'd just met, would he really trust them? Maybe that was why... Jake shook the thought from his mind as he drew his second dagger. The SeeD edged his feet as though shuffling toward the door, he rotated the grip of his weapon the blade tucked against his arm as he grabbed the door handle. Jake breathed slowly flushing any nervousness from his system as he awaited that all important order. A building this size was sure to have at least one or two guards almost directly on top of the entrance ways. 'heh they won't know what hit them'.