The Mirror World is a world like ours. In fact, it's an almost exact replica of it. The only difference is that the Mirror World looks like it was destroyed a long time ago. Buildings are destroyed, cars lay scattered; crippled from time and neglect. There was no sign of life. At least, not during the day. As night falls creatures begin to show up. The [b][color=ed1c24]Ovo-Kuvn[/color][/b]. The Ovo-Kuvn is a large family of various creatures. They all shared the same type of skin. A rugged, black skin type- allowing them to be perfect hunters in the night. These creatures vary in forms and shapes. Some are human-like; with various mutations such as blades replacing an arm and such. Others are mainly Kuvn counterparts of normal animals. Alex's dad brought home a mirror one day. A seemingly harmless mirror. It hung on their living room wall. Just above the fireplace. Alex decided he'd bring a few of his friends over for a small party while his parents were out and things start to get out of hand. The mirror ends up being knocked off and that's when things go wrong. They were sucked into the mirror world and left to fend for themselves with no idea as to what is actually going on. Soon they uncover dark and dangerous plots that could be fatal for Earth and they're the only ones who can stop it. So basically the rp is set in America (I actual have no idea where about though...). You're playing as a college kid who comes round to Alex's house. The rp will start just before the end of the college day to allow people to get into their characters. The rp will be set in 2015 and will probably mirror our world as close as possible for extra realism. [h3]Rules[/h3] Two character limit. Swearing is allowed. Please post. If you're unable to post because of something at least let us know. Other than that there's not really anything else worth mentioning. [h3]CS[/h3] Name: Age (18-22): Appearance: Personality: Bio: