[b][center]Mio’s home - Morning[/center][/b] The sound of a ticking clock was the only thing that could be heard as Mio sat in her favorite chair as she watched the grandfather clock across the room from her. finding it interesting to simply watch the hands as they slowly moved. Her mind elsewhere having wondered as she watched the clock it completely unaware that she needed to be leaving soon if she planned to make it school early. Mio liked getting to school early most days as she lacked anything else to do early in the morning that and it allowed her to get ready for her first class. Mio came back to reality when a big brown cat jumped into her lap, causing her to blink twice as she became aware of her surroundings and the time “[color=SpringGreen][i]Awww, I wanted to get there before anyone else.[/i][/color]” She muttered to herself as she dumped the cat out of her lap much to the animal’s annoyance the cat huffing as it walked away. Getting to her feet and stretching Mio looked at the clock again which had lost all the appeal it had only moments ago making he feel annoyed give it had been so interesting. Giving a small yawn she went and fetched her book bag from her bedroom and left the house, Mio nearly forgetting to get the lunch her grandmother had made her on her way out. [b][center]Hope Fountain Academy – Morning[/center][/b] Arriving at school Mio felt a little annoyed that she arrived later then she wanted seeing more students on the school grounds then she would have liked. Having a quick look around, she did still notice the school grounds where relatively empty which was good. Now if only the school was only this quite all the time she would be happier. Adjusting her book bag Mio walked up to the class listings and slow read over until she found her name and heading off before to many started to gather around the class listings. Heading to what would be her classroom for the year, she arrived to find it empty feeling a little pleased. Thinking for a moment Mio opted for the seat in the front row next to the window, the same place she had been given last year when she first arrived at this school having transferred in mid last year. Sitting down Mio made herself comfortable as she could be at her new desk, before pulling out a book out of her bag and started to read. While reading she could not help but remember when she first arrived at this school that being a very uncomfortable day for her. Still Mio thought the people at school where nice enough many simply ignored her unless they wanted her for something or she needed one of them. It was simple that way and Mio was content with that and it made it easy to focus on her studies. Still if she could make a friend it would have been nice although she doubted it. Interacting with people was something Mio was not good at, although as she had gotten older she had slowly improved. Happy with reading Mio quickly lost herself in the pages of her book and would easily stay that until bell for class rang or someone spoke to her.