If it's not too late I would like to get in on this. [b]Name –[/b] Miles Morales [b]Alias -[/b] Spider-Boy [b]Age - -[/b] 15 [b]Earth # -[/b] 15004 [b]Powers –[/b] The standard Spider-Man powers of superhuman strength, durability, agility, reflexes, wall crawling, and Spider Sense. He also can use natural camouflage to blend in and can shoot a blast of pure energy, a manifestation of his ki. [b]Weaknesses –[/b] All standard Spider-Man weaknesses. Using ki tires him out. [b]Personality –[/b] Driven, attentive, and insecure. [b]Appearance –[/b] Miles is mixed African and Latin and thus has a brownish skin tone. He's about 5'7'' and has a well toned body thanks to his training. His eyes are brown and his hair is black and short. His costume consists of a black sleeveless shirt and mask, with red web design going along it and a spider symbol in the centre in the classic Spider-Man style. His pants are of the plain white style found with a martial arts gi and are adorned with a black martial arts belt. Finally he wears red running shoes and similarly coloured gauntlets. [b]BRIEF Bio –[/b] Thirteen year old Miles Morales's world was changed when his mother was attacked and killed by what seemed to be ninjas. While still in shock Miles was approached by a criminal ninja named the Prowler who revealed that he was his uncle and that he and Miles's father were former members of the Spider Ninja Clan. Enemies of the Spider Clan, known as the Scorpion Clan, had killed Miles's mom to get to the brothers. The Prowler offered to train Miles to get revenge. Eventually the duo confronted and defeated the Scorpion Clan but the Prowler was mortally wounded in the fight. Following his uncle's death Miles decided to search for his father. While searching he learned that the rest of the Spider Clan had all but been wiped out. He eventually did find a surviving member, Peter Parker, formerly the hero known as Spider-Man. He had quit heroics to settle down with fellow ninja Mary-Jane. Peter told Miles that the only a master could find his father, so Miles begged Peter to train him to be one. After a while Peter gave Miles a new Spider-Man costume. Miles assumed that this meant he was ready, but Peter told him that at this point he was only a Spider-Boy and must earn the title of a man and master. [b]Notes –[/b] This is a mishmash of Mangaverse Spider-Man and the Miles Morales Ultimate Spider-Man. He's had a lot of training but his only real combat experience was the confrontation with the Scorpion Clan. [b]Response to Spider Fist –[/b] In a serene valley the only bustling was Miles doing his morning run. It always helped to prepare for whatever Master Parker had in store for him today. About a half hour into the run a vision appeared before Miles. Recognizing the stranger as another Spider-Man, possibly from another dimension given what Master Parker had told him. After the other Spider Hero's speech Miles thought for a second before replying, “Master Parker may not like it but it would be good training,” he clenched his fists, “I'll help, just give me ten minutes to gather my things and explain this to my Master.”