Penelope stayed quiet as the others fought and Rohrbach explained everything. Her eyes flitted down to the tablet with the news report on the Pattersons. She stood slowly, now ignoring the going-ons around her. They wanted to ignore her, she could do the same. Sitting down at the table with the tablet, she eyed both cases with a careful glance, weighing her options. The first case sort of pissed her off. The way they looked, what they did. To be fair, both cases pissed her off. But... The way that guy looked. The terrorist didn't piss her off quite as much as the Patterson guy. The terrorist could probably be handled rather easily with a few blows to the head. The Patterson case seemed like more of a challenge, and just the thing Penelope needed to let off some steam. Throw a few rubber punches, trip some bitches, choke a bastard out. It was more fun for her. If that made her a bad person, she'd just have to live with it. When Heather spoke up about the matter at hand, she raised her head. [color=crimson]"I vote my group goes with these Patterson creeps. There are more of us in your group to fight the multitude of them. But... You don't have to listen to little ole me. After all, I'm just a little girl, yanno?"[/color] She spoke, sarcasm evident in her voice near the end. [color=crimson]"Besides, something about how this Patterson dude looks pisses me off."[/color] She told them, holding up the picture for them to see. He was an older man with several scars and a rather nasty look on his face; the kind of guy that kills puppies without a second glance if it means more profit for him. [color=crimson]"What do you guys think?"[/color] She asked the others, once again ignoring the fight going on.