The sound of a scream turned Aubrey's head, and she caught a glimpse of a person running behind another screen, and snatching a disgusting-looking chunk of meat, she headed towards it. She blew a tangled lock of hair out of her face and peeked behind the screen, biting into her breakfast. She eyed her silently for about a minute, not sure what to say or even whether to bother with the young woman. She couldn't help the pity she felt, but at the same time, she was uncertain if she could trust anyone here. "Hey," she said. Her voice cracked; it had been a while since she used it. "Sorry you ended up here. Can't help, but...yeah." She glanced up somewhere and bit her dry lip. Soon they'd come for her. Soon there'd be a mask keeping her teeth from someone's neck again and an IV pumping her full of drugs. Rey had been sent toward Main Holding to round up the werewolves who were "due". He was to take them into individual surgical cells, restraining and sedating them if need be, and then he was to watch a more experienced employee remove the liver. The door didn't look very imposing. He pushed it open... ...and immediately pinched his nose shut while wrinkling his face in utter disgust. "Gah!" he grunted, and then braced himself before un-pinching his nose. He glanced down and made sure he was recording, but wished he could record the simply repellent scent of the place. He gulped and blinked. The stink had made his eyes water, but now it was time to do what he'd signed up for.