Nick's face was still throbbing, but his ridiculously defiant personality had taken over his body and was once again in Ray's face, hands at the ready to throw down. But his arrogance in his new boxing skill made him temporarily ignorant to Ray's superhuman abilities. Just as Nick was about move into position to counter the next punch, his eyes experienced a painful flash as his sight was literally 'turned off' by the Boxer's light powers. [color=0072bc][i]Ahh, you cheap meatheaded bastard, you know I would have smacked you about in a fair fight, so you pull this blind shit? wait till I learn how to..OOOFFF![/i][/color] Nick's ranting was cut short by a much more powerful force than the previous jab, Nick couldn't see but from the power and the angle of the impact he quickly deduced it was a right cross, the power was overwhelming not only did the punch knock the wind out of him but he also crumpled to the ground in pain. Then as sort of follow up, him and Ray both got hit with jolts of blue energy which pinned him to the ground in a stunned state, Ray also being stunned allowed his vision to come back has he lost focus on his power. All he could do was look up at Heather and scowl. [color=0072bc][i]Youre...lucky....I cant energy shit....[/i][/color]