Hunter blinked at Mo as her arm settled around her shoulders, and it was admittedly helpful. She managed to relax even as the descended into the lair, her eyes flickering about curiously as she tried to take everything in. She was still learning her sights and smells and sounds, but as they entered the room, she was able to distinguish that the majority didn't match the 'wolf's scent. Her eyes lingered on the werewolf for a moment, but then turned to the other strangers; still unsure of what was going, she offered a timid smile in greeting, allowing her sire to do the talking. Beside the powerful and confident goddess, Hunter was rather unimpressive and scrawny. It was a wonder if she'd even be noticed by these characters, these vampires of old. She tried not to think of it, however, and her eyes remained a dark brown that complimented the freckles on her dark face.