Ferghus sat silently for a while, after the response from the professor he wanted to take everything in. So there are two groups of us, this is pretty straight forward, makes sense and all that. It allows us to multitask, do more at once, also makes sense. And out of the two cases, this Sam Wenton seemed like a bigger deal. Sure the family had stolen quite a sum of cash and taken some lives as well which is plenty reprehensible, but the terrorist had killed just over triple the amount, he must be one bad man. Ferghus had been ignoring the tough guys as he collected his thoughts, finally he spoke, [color=a187be]"I think we, I mean, group one, should go after this terrorist guy. But we'll need more to go on than his name and crimes. I'm talking last known location, expected places for 'im to hit, I want us to be up this fucker's arse."[/color] Ferghus had stood up at this point, his earlier relaxed demeanor had changed to one of determination. [color=a187be]"Look, we may just be humble students, living our own lives, doing whatever it is to get by. But we have been offered something, something greater than every last one of our penniless lives. We can help people, make a change! Surely that's worth fighting for. I say we work together, cut this in-fighting, each of us can be heroes now."[/color] The Irishman's brow furrowed, he spoke more softly, [color=a187be]"Or villains."[/color] Eager to take on this vigilante selflessness, Ferghus stuck out his hand above the table in the center of the cafe. A certain nervousness of his cliche notions caused him to shake, stuttering slightly as he opened his mouth once more, [color=a187be]"We make a pack, on this very night, let's give the evil of this world something to look out for. Now who's with me?"[/color] It was clear that Ferghus meant business, perhaps he suddenly came to the realization that each and everyone in the cafe tonight could become like the great comic book legends. Such a thought inspired him, gave his life renewed meaning. However, the Irishman was quite unaware of the hardships to come.