[b]The Monster[/b] [i]Poor defenseless creatures. It hurts me so to do harm to such creatures unaware of their utter foolishness. But alas, I have been chosen as our next hero.[/i] the monster thought to itself as it stepped towards the twins once more. "Get down!" a loud voice called from some woman. The creature didn't pick up the sound, but it felt the voice. It failed to notice the voice was that of a warning, as a bullet shot at it. The monster very plainly took the shot, doing a little bit of damage to it. The monster quickly turned towards the shooter, Rose, launching himself into the air, before moving through the fourth dimension and appearing within feet in front of her, crashing into the ground and sending her into the air. The beast quickly snatched her from the air, then started to fade into the fourth dimension with her in his grasp. it disappeared for a few milliseconds, then reappeared. Rose remained floating in the air as he continued to hold onto her. [i]What's going on? This one is different! Why can't I... move it![/i] the creature screamed, before rapidly flashing in and out of the fourth dimension where it currently stood, attempting to move her, which failed every time. With it's anger reaching it's peak point, he launched her at the twins, knocking them over instantly like bowling pins. t figured they would be injured enough not to cause anymore problems, so it turned to it's next victim. [b]Naoto[/b] Naoto was completely frozen. He could see again, he could move... but his brain hurt. "Hey, we'll be joining them soon if you don't do something! I have a feeling it's being occupied by something else for now, so do something!" a voice yelled at him, telling him to act. Naoto blinked a few more times, before taking control once more and robotically aiming his gun at the monster. He let three shots fire after Rose had shot at it just a split second before him, but each of his bullets missed as the creature vanished instantly after her shot. Naoto quickly found where the monster was after it had moved, but it was too late as it tossed the woman at the two helpless children. "Oh my god." Naoto said, wide eyed. Naoto aimed his gun again, letting loose a barrage of bullets from his clip. Soon he ran out, after each bullet had missed. The creature appeared to simply step out of the way, as if it were an every day occurrence. The creature turned to Naoto, and licked it's lips as it barked at him. Naoto didn't hear it's sound, but figured from it's mouth's movements. "We should run." he said to the boy beside him as he emptied his clip and started loading in another one as he started to move backwards.