The lionman fell with a satisfying thump, making a humanoid-shaped indentation in the earth below, and Morrigan smiled a wicked grin. She could feel her heart pumping faster, her muscles were pulling with a reassuring tightness to tell her that she hadn't reached her limit yet, and The Arms 'spoke' to her again as her enemy lay before her. For an instant she felt very good, even with the claw marks streaking across her back. Her father always told her that size wasn't everything, and many instances he had been correct, especially this one. She smiled at the thought, but it quickly faded as she felt herself being lifted from the ground and into the air. In her distracted state, she had neglected to ground herself! She hit the ground at his feet hard, making a small crater as she rolled to no effect. She had let herself be caught off-guard and she paid the price, a new bruise on her spine. She growled as The Arms grumbled, and yanked her body into standing straight as it replied with a sickening series of cracks. Pain lanced down her back, but it was nothing she was not used to. She pounced forward to land on Leo's chest, straddling him in an attempt to keep him on the ground before bringing her fists up to send them sailing down into his maw. Left, right, left, right she pummelled, pushing a bit more brute force into each blow than, before she brought both fists into the air and prepared bring them down at the same time upon his head.