Name: Myra: Goddess of Love, Beauty, Attraction, Light, and Fertility Vrya: Goddess of Lust, Adultery, Prostitution, Dark, and Schemes Age: Ancient [img][/img] Nature: Myra-God, Vyra-Demon Personality: Myra and Vyra cannot be any more different. Myra is a trusting, smart, and kind. She loves to teach lessons and morals by disguising herself as a stranger, usually a mortal elder of some kind. But more than that, she absolutely loves attention and worship from her mortal subjects. Getting on her good side is easy, getting on her bad side can be just as easy. Mocking and extreme cases mortals gaining too much attention for their beauty. One thing she hates more than that is anyone who chooses her twin sister over herself. Myra is naïve and easy to trick, especially by her sister, which is her greatest weakness. Despite not being much of a schemer, she will actively pursue or assist plots to get at her sister. Vyra is cunning, manipulative, and ambitious. She loves to plan schemes and assist mortals with various plots of intrigue by disguising herself also. She loves attention and worship as well and just like her sister, she hates being mocked and will go to great lengths for revenge. She hates her sister and anyone who chooses her twin over herself. Vyra's following is considerably smaller so her magical strength is limited as oppose to her sister. She, too, will actively pursue or assist plots to get at her sister. Skills and Abilities: Both sisters have the ability disguise themselves in any form they desire. Animal, fawn, human, whatever. They use this ability to primarily walk amongst the mortals to manipulate things here and there. Outside of that, the twins have their own, but similar power to manipulate something. Myra can manipulate light and can offer healing magic to cure aliments, both for Gods and mortals. She can also manipulate mortals, and possibly upstarts, to encourage love, attraction, and good feelings. Vyra can manipulate darkness and can curse, Gods or mortals, with disease and pestilence. Vyra can also manipulate mortals, and possibly upstarts, to encourage hate, jealousy, and anger. It should be noted that Vyra's magical strength is hampered by the difference of followers between herself and her sister. Backstory: A product of the next generation of Ancients, Myra and Vyra were born from the relationship between Sol, God of Light, and Luna, Goddess of Darkness. The twins inherited their parent's power and developed their own. Myra was the firstborn and was given all the praise of a firstborn child after a successful, clean birth. Vyra wasn't born until a full day of labor after her sister, and caused great harm to Luna during birth. Vyra did not receive the same praise her sister had received and has spitted her "perfect" sister ever since. As the twins aged, Sol found it easy to favor Myra as a child. She was showed compassion and warmth towards others, just like her father. While Sol still did love her other daughter, she was often ignored by the God of Light. Luna did not favorite any of her children but she did find herself in Vyra, as she was mostly quiet, kept to herself, and showed great feats of intelligence early on in her life. While Vyra always appreciated the love her mother had for her, she hated Sol for favoring her sister. The twins found competition between each other to be very common. Almost everything would turn into a competition as each competed for the attention and praise the winner would receive. Music, hunts, great feats... It didn't matter what it was, the sisters turned everything into a competition. Eventually this drove Vyra to try and take the life of her sister. It nearly worked had it not been for the intervention of some other Ancient God (I leave this open for whoever). The aftermath of this all tore the family of four apart as they argued over Vyra's plot. With Sol wanting blood and Luna defending Vyra with her life, their marriage broke apart and soon after, their relationships with their children deteriorated as well. Sol hated Vyra and Luna was ready to defend Vyra. Vyra, in turn, hated Sol for demanding her life and possibly that of her mother's. Myra hated Luna for defending Vyra and Vyra for obvious reasons. Even Sol and Myra had a bit of a falling out as they would argue over how far should Sol punish Luna. Myra hated her mother, but she was still her mother. So the family separated and they all sought their own independent lives, with the exception of the twins as the death of the Golden One offered new opportunities in the mortal world. Myra sought to bring all mortals together, under her name and worship. She offered love and gratitude to those who looked to her. Vyra sought to undo her sister's work and make her own following. In both cases, mortals could provide the twins with strength and power that they did not have otherwise. Ever since the fall of the Golden One, they have only grown in strength, not weakened. Connections: This is where you put your relationships with other player-controlled characters, including friendships and rivalries. It is encouraged that your character is acquaintances with at least one other. Religion: --[i]Light's Warmth[/i]: Is a special sect of religion and mythology devoted entirely to the Goddess of Beauty, Myra. Devotion to the [i]Light's Warmth [/i]sect does not restrict the mortal to worship only that sect but rather, regular clergy are allowed to pursue other devotions to other gods or goddesses if they desire. Just note that you may not be Myra's favorite. Priests of Myra, devout their entire lives to Myra and no other god or goddess can be recognized by the faithful. As a testament to their devotion, they give up their previous lives and previous loves to Myra. Myra grants her priests great happiness in their act and bestows upon them the gift of healing. --[i]Night's Solace[/i]: Is best described as a cult rather than a religion. Membership is considered a scared secret but the work that they do is not supposed to be. Once you devout yourself to Vyra's cult, there is no going back and you may only recognize her as your goddess (special exceptions made to Danives). A member worships Vyra by conducting plots of intrigue such as: assassinations, political coups, war, and many other dark deeds. As a result, the [i]Night's Solace[/i] actually gains considerable "donations" for their acts of intrigue to help put people into power or remove other people from this mortal plane. Vyra is said to assist her followers in their acts of intrigue and does favor them greatly. Nation: If applicable. Other: