[center][img]http://media.sdreader.com/img/photos/2012/04/02/mos_logo_t500x333.jpg?5d81b66ef27cf9215e8d62d1258062d5c9d6b2ad[/img][/center] [center][b] Client World 102249740-D [/b] [/center] Superman glanced behind him as Ridge's voice seemed to be coming from that direction. Strange, especially since he was right in front of Kal-El. Superman, while surprised by the ability, quickly shrugged it off and moved on. He'd met plenty of people in the Multiverse that could do stranger things; he himself had some odd powers because of his physiology. Superman momentarily considered all of the tactical versatility such an ability would allow for, while also listening to Ridge explain himself. His Kryptonian mind was capable of processing information much faster than many beings, so he had no trouble multitasking. [color=0072bc]"They attacked a civilian trade convoy, stole their possessions, and retreated to this world. You're in a client universe of UMMA, therefore the pirates are held under Multiverse law; even if they aren't necessarily from a client universe. If that makes sense." [/color] Kal briefly wondered how much Ridge had learned from these other versions of himself. What if he knew Kal's weaknesses? Or worse, possessed green kryptonite? These possibilities further affirmed Superman's reasoning for taking Ridge into custody. [color=0072bc]"It's a pleasure to meet you, Ridge." [/color] Kal replied. Superman slowed down as he spotted another unconscious pirate. He floated over and picked up the body, holding the pair of aliens by their collars in a single hand. He took a moment to consider Ridge's offer of assistance. He seemed like a trustworthy guy; besides, what's the worst he could do by helping? [color=0072bc]"Alright, I'll let you help. One of them split off from the group earlier; while you hunt him down, I'll round up the three I took out. Meet me at their crashed ship. It's right over there. [/color] Superman pointed East of their current position. [color=0072bc]"Oh, and Ridge?" [/color] Superman added.[color=0072bc] "[i]Don't[/i] kill anyone." [/color] He said sternly, emphasizing the word "don't" and squinting his eyes. If Ridge was smart, which Kal suspected he was, he'd catch how serious Kal-El was being. With that, Superman sped off in the other direct towards the last unconscious bodies. Kal decided to take his time as he flew slowly through the city streets, towards the outskirts. He'd like to give Ridge ample time to catch the final criminal. Superman began to whistle 'Yankee-Doodle' as he went. He liked the old little tune. It reminded him why he fought. The final lyrics of the original song, especially: 'See another snarl of men A digging graves they told me, So 'tarnal long, so 'tarnal deep, They 'tended they should hold me. [Chorus] It scared me so, I hooked it off, Nor stopped, as I remember, Nor turned about till I got home, Locked up in mother's chamber.' Superman continued to whistle the mostly-merry-little-tune as he reached the final alien. He bent down and grabbed the man in his free hand. Kal barely registered the weight as he turned to fly towards the crash site. Men were so light. So fragile. He could have crushed the being's skull like an egg, if he wanted to. Superman's face darkened. Some men would do that with his kind of power. [color=0072bc][i]That is why I fight.[/i][/color]