"Shadow Dragon's Waxwing Flash!" Before Inigo can land another blow to Cilia, his own sister intervenes, sending him flying into a nearby building. Morgan now stands in front of Cilia in a fighting stance, waiting for Inigo's next move. "Don't worry, Cilia. I'll take it from here." She says, seeming confident in her own strength. Leon isn't very surprised that his niece would choose to take matters into her own hands. "I have faith you can pull this off, Morgan..show me what you can do..." He says as he moves unto a nearby rooftop, more comfortable with a higher vantage point. "Hahahaha...you've come to challenge me too, hm?" Inigo speaks as he moves out of the rubble, Morgan's earlier attack having done notable damage to him, for he staggers slightly as he walks toward her. "How wonderful...who would've thought today would be the day when I get to kill Inigo's sister!" He exclaims as he swaps the claymore for the sword [url=http://img4.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20121230054034/deadonarrivalrp/images/2/29/55px-FEPR_Alondite.png]Alondite[/url], one of his stronger weapons. This surprises Morgan, for she's seen that sword only once before now, and that was during a training session between him and their father. "Well, that'll be easier said than done...I guarantee it!" Morgan states, shaking off her surprise as she draws her own silver sword and charges toward her brother, blade against blade.