Yay! I'm getting some interest! [img]http://khongthe.com/wallpapers/abstract/woman-warrior-105697.jpg[/img] Name: Nazrah Sabrae Race: Half Drow Gender: Female Age: 26 Element: Spirit Racial Strengths/Weakness: +Low light vision with which she sees clearly in shades of grey. +Dark vision with which she can see outlines and detect movement in almost complete darkness. +Her hearing is incredibly sharp. +She heals quickly. +She is faster than the usual Drow but less hardy. -Her sensitive vision means that sunlight hurts her eyes, so she often keeps her hood up to shield them. -She is weaker than normal Drow and humans and her complete lack of magic since birth has made her an outcast. Personal Strengths/Weakness: +She can move almost completely silently. +She is skilled with a short sword and bow. +She is trained in many forms of combat. +Manipulation and cunning are her strong suits. -She is not good at actually being friendly... Seductive and sly are easy...friendly is a problem. -She is better at attacking from stealth or with strategy than outright battle. -She sometimes thinks that she is going insane because she hears voices... and recently she has started listening to them. Inventory: *Two blades known as the Gemini Sisters. They were once sentient enough to speak with their wielder and to grant their strengths... even shift forms, but now they have gone silent and they sleep. One is so hot that if you should touch it you would be burned. The other is so cold that to touch it would cause frostbite. *A longbow and arrows. *Poisoned throwing knives. *Two daggers on her hips. *Coin purse. *Meager rations. Personality: Stand-offish, cold, distrustful, sly, mischievous, somewhat sarcastic, curious, protective of those she gets close to even if those people are few. Background: Nazrah was born into the Drow world to an elven mother who died in childbirth and a Drow father who passed her off to the Drow women to handle. Nazrah was not expected to live as her mother was a high elf and so she'd been highly attuned to the stars and the moon which is why she'd been so weak during her pregnancy and why she'd died... She wasn't made to be kept underground. Nazrah surprised everyone with her strong will to live and as she grew she continued to surprise as she fought tooth and nail against others her age not only for her own life but to prove to her father that she could be just as good as any full Drow. The life of a Drow child revolves around training and survival, children were pitted against each other and those to weak to win were killed... The fact that Nazrah was physically weaker than the others meant she had to compensate by being vicious and tactical. She was taught not to care for anything more than her own life and she was taught never to trust another... Her softer nature earned her quite a few nasty scars until she learned to harden herself. Nazrah's father was an Arcane Warrior and though magic was dying most Drow still had at least some... Nazrah had none and this served to further make her an outcast. It was the night of her 20th birthday when she began hearing voices. At first she thought it was just her mind playing tricks but then she noticed that sometimes she could hear the rocks hum... The more she listened to the voices the more convinced she became that someone was calling to her... trying to get her attention. In the end, Nazrah stole her father's blades and broke to the surface... a place she'd only been a few brief times in her life when she became pale and sickly and her father became convinced she needed the sky. Now, she is simply wandering... trying to find the source of the voices in her head.