As he lay unconscious on the hill Shane, within his mind, was reliving the night he first got his powers. It was a series of images fading in an out with enough time to view each. He could see himself taking down the guard, finding the vial, fighting the second guard, then the vial contents getting into his eyes. This time it was different however. The second the black liquid touched his eyes a series of screams could be heard. They were much like the scream his Riftman form made only each one having a slightly different pitch. One after the other he'd see images of Malkaris along with corpses strewn across the room, blood coating the walls and floor. "That night...I didn't kill that one guard?", that vision revealed what really happened to him that night. He shifted for the first time and the entire security detail stormed the warehouse, but their numbers did not matter. Shane unknowingly slaughtered them all without hesitation, " no that wasn't me. I wouldn't do that". Sure he killed one guy arguably out of self defense but this...this was something different. The scene could only be described as a slaughter house.  Suddenly he heard a voice, low and menacing. It was laaghing at him...It was Malkaris. After expressing its joy after seeing Shane's reaction it spoke, "Shane...Shane...Shane" it began to change in tone until he realized it was Ariella. He jerked himself forward once regaining consciousness taking a moment to determine if this was real or not. Satisfied that his ordeal was over he stood up, "...I'm fine. We need to get back to the game". Despite his seemingly detached stature he was beyond shaken. This whole event had caused him to stray away from using his powers.