[center][img]http://i1090.photobucket.com/albums/i374/bensundeitestutho/AmazingSpider-Man_zpsa31f5c36.png[/img][/center] [center][b]Miles Warren[/b][/center] Doctor Miles Warren frantically paced to and fro in his office. His desk that sat behind him was cluttered with loose-leaf papers, books, and reports. Some of this mess even spilled upon the floor. Warren had just endured a recent loss in his life a few months ago: the death of his intern and lab assistant, Gwen Stacy. She was one of most (if not most) talented intern that Warren had ever had. The depressed scientist truly believed that Ms. Stacy had a bright future in front of her and he would have been credited as the mentor of such a scientific prodigy. But all those dreams and hopes crashed down to earth once Gwen Stacy died on that faithful night. His road to fame died that night. Even if Warren made a scientific breakthrough in his lifetime, he knew deep inside himself that his recently deceased intern would have amounted to even more than him. Everything went to hell on the night when Gwen Stacy died. Then there came a few heavy knocks on Warren’s office door. Once he told whoever was on the other side of the door that the door was unlocked, Warren saw one of his colleagues, Damon Ryder, enter into his office. The two of them had been developing and improving cloning technology. Ryder desired to use their advances in order to reproduce extinct animals for the sake of scientific inquiry and study. However, recently Miles Warren had other plans. “Warren.” Ryder talked down to his colleague, “Did you put human samples in our cloning experiment? You do realize that that is illegal and unethical, right?” “Well,” Warren began as he turned toward Doctor Ryder, “Now that it has been born, we might as well let it grow. It would be just as unethical to kill an embryo, wouldn’t you say? “It’s too late for that. I already destroyed the sample. This institution cannot be caught with performing illegal experiments. Now don’t you every try a stunt like that again, do you hear me Warren?” Warren was filled with rage. Now, within a few months, he has seen Gwen Stacy die twice. Despite what reports that insinuated that the incarcerated criminal, the Jack O’ Lantern, said, due to some reports mentioning that web fluid residue was found on Gwen Stacy at the scene of the crime, Warren blamed the one spider-themed vigilante in New York City: Spider-Man. Warren has never actually seen Spider-Man before; nevertheless, he was adamant that Spider-Man was the cause of Gwen’s death. But now, in Warren’s mind, there were two culprits. First it was Spider-Man. The second was Doctor Ryder. While his colleague had turned to make his exit, Miles snatched the heaviest book he had from his desk and slammed it against the back of Ryder’s head, knocking the doctor out cold. “Yes, Ryder, I heard you.” Miles gloated over Ryder’s unconscious body. Then, Warren hastened to one of his filing cabinets and pulled out several files that were labeled “Project: Wundagore”. From these files, he took a vial that contained a clear liquid. Once he had that container, Warren hurried out of his office and broke into Ryder’s office. Ryder had collected numerous samples of extinct animals and plants with which he planned on using for his experiments once they had fully worked out all the bugs out of the current cloning technology. Once Warren had found the sample that he wanted, he dashed back to Ryder’s unconscious body. After he had combined the DNA sample with the “Project: Wundagore” liquid, Warren injected the concoction directly into the knocked out doctor. After the syringe was drained, Miles bent down and whispered into Ryder’s ear, even though he probably would not hear Miles. “Say hello to your wife and son for me.”