[hider=Tucker Clayden][b]Name:[/b] Tucker Clayden [b]Age:[/b] 25 [b]Gender:[/b] He is man. [b]Species:[/b] Human. [b]Kingdom of Origin:[/b] Nepharie [b]Physical appearance:[/b] Tucker is what most of the population would consider an attractive young human male, standing at 5’8, and being about 160-ish pounds. He’s not the big burly man that you see so often from his race, rather, he has the lean and mean kind of build. Being built thinner than most humans, he is faster than them too, and more agile as a person. He had long and messy blonde hair and that falls to the bridge of his nose and would cover his eyes if he didn’t brush it to the side messily. Due to being what is equivalent to a European complexion, he has fair skin. He has a boyish face. Described as having a square face that’s slightly thinner than average, with a razorblade jawline that’s covered in stubble that runs up and long his lip, and up the center of his chin. His nose is what would be described as ‘greek’. His high cheekbones and thin lips give him a general masculine, but fairly attractive appearance. His eyebrows, because he is a natural blonde, share a slightly darker shade of his hair making them only barely noticeable from time to time. He has almond shaped eyes, and vivid Irish green irises. His body has a few burn marks, and some scars from crazy exes, but after that he’s pretty well off appearance wise. (Based loosely on this image, credit to author: http://i.imgur.com/u7FseTl.jpg ) [b]Attire:[/b] His outfit now is partly leather around his upper body with what appears to be a type of armor along with arm brackets that seem to all be designed by himself. This leather armor can be removed somewhat easily, but because it is light, is fairly comfortable in most situations. It is adjourned with a blue beaked cloth hood that goes over his light armoring making him look more like his dragon. The beak allows him to pull it over his head and still keep it on while in the air, as to keep his appearance hidden even more so. He has brown leggings, with fur booths that are held up but a thick leather belt. This belt not only restricts his other dragon, but also holds up a sheath that holds a short sword. On his back he has a bow and arrow quiver strapped down to his back, held down by a leather strap that goes across his chest and over the hood. He keeps a flute on him at almost all times, and his messenger bag is almost always on his figure, effectively allowing him to carry some money, basic first aid, a few concoctions Arya makes, and various other trinkets like a canteen and stuff. On his hip opposite to his sword he has his throwing knives sheathed, but ready for use at almost any given time. [b]Personality:[/b] Hide yo kids, hide yo wife, and hide yo husbands, because Tucker the fucker be banging everything with a heartbeat out there. Tucker, being a bard, is excellent at playing music, and is just as good at playing people. He can look at how people act and normally be able to come to a fairly accurate conclusion about them within a few minutes. He’s also pretty good at talking sweet, talking trash, and striking up conversation. He’s the classy sonovagun that everyone kind of dislikes but never seems to hate enough to get rid of because he’s the kind of person to call it as he sees it. He’s not really a leader of a person, anyone with his kind of sarcasm and general personality doesn’t have the qualities required to demand authority like a real leader does, even if he does ride a dragon. He’s infamous for doing his own thing more than anything else. Swinging along with Arya or because there’s something interesting. Most people see him as a womanizer, and he can be sometimes. At his age, while he might be that somewhat, is actually less forward physically as he is verbally. In some ways he’s not quite as bad as other men, but that won't stop him from walking around with his head held high if he got the prettiest girl in the bar into a room with him for the night. [b]Skills:[/b] Well for one he’s pretty good at getting laid, and is pretty good at holding his alcohol. He’s excellent in the air and despite being a general nuisance he is pretty good at working as a team with Arya. He is, after all, the most deadly then. Being a bard, he is especially good at the flute, drums, Violin, and guitar. He’s also damn good at preparing food. [b]Backstory:[/b] Tucker’s life didn’t get interesting until he was ten, when he essentially was left a gift by an unknown person late in the night. It was a break in, and they left the huge ovular object in the family’s living room. His family initially planned to eat it, but he stepped in, wanting to see what it was. He regretted that decision a few days later when he touched it for the first time. Essentially it had some magical aspect to it, which traveled and burnt his hand badly on the palm, leaving the mark of a serpent of some kind. The egg hatched only moments later. Yeah, uh, lets say that they had another mouth to feed, which turned into a much larger mouth within a few years. His family was intent on putting the beast down at this point, but was stopped by the one of the city’s prodigies, Arya Faylen, who was intent on studying the creature. Pretty soon he was being forced to go hunting with the bull-sized beast on his own time in order for the family to be able to feed themselves, the wyvern being allowed to live on the case that it was an educational tool that was very hard to come by for well… anyone. Needless to say, that’s how Tucker became good with his bow and hunting, as well as preparing food. He’d be gone for days at a time now and then after all. Arya and himself became close over the years; her being so intelligent and knowledgeable in so many things drew his interest. She, for the most part, took very little interest in him until the Dragon, whom he had named Calypso (Cali for short) turned on the young woman, intent on very much trying to force her upon her rider. She was calmed down of course (Bad dragon, very bad dragon!), but Arya took notice of how well he did with the beast and began learning more about him as a person. Initially it was to learn to get closer to the dragon, but soon they ended up as very close friends. One night of drinking however rocked their boat a lot when they woke up naked with each other. Tucker being uncharacteristically confused, and Arya politely kicking him the fuck out of the room so she could. They had a fallout after that for a while, but came back together again as friends when Arya herself accidentally met him at a bar one time. That was a few years ago. Now they’re about as close as can be, comfortable enough with one another to the point of which Arya challenged him their bet after hearing him boast about being the manliest man to ever walk Tithe. Now they travel, in search of females, adventure, magic, and the best alcohol one can taste. Oh, and a map. They’ve been lost for a while. [b]Family:[/b] He’s got his mom and pop, and then he has his best friend Arya and then Cali, who is bonded to him for life. [b]Relationships:[/b] | [b]Arya[/b] | [b]Excellent[/b] | [b]Kinda Loves[/b] | [i]“Arya and I have been with each other for a long time, a really long time. She’s smart, too much so to go for someone like me. She’s my best friend and I always find myself tracking myself back to her.”[/i] | [b]Weaponry:[/b] Large: Bow Medium: Short Gladius sword Small: Throwing knives. [b]Abilities:[/b] While he is not exactly a big bloke, he is still fairly strong for his size, and is excellent with his weapons of choice (he’s also pretty good at swinging his guitar, but Maxx wont let me count that as a weapon, that shit) [i](if you hit someone with a guitar the instrument would shatter after the first hit. And don’t call me a shit or I’ll fire you)[/i] (I know full well it would and that doesnt stop me from wanting to hit someone with one you poop). He’s quick on his feet for a man and knows how to throw a punch. If worst comes to worst, his dragon is always close by and ready to back him up. He is also excellent when it comes to aim with his knives. [b] Weaknesses:[/b] Well for one, he’s not as built as the average person, meaning he’s not as strong and doesn’t take hits as well. His tactic is to mainly just dart in and out and be flexible and adaptable and work with his dragon. Speaking of his dragon, while it might be an excellent companion with intelligence akin to that of a human’s itself; it is big and therefore not very sneaky. Sure, when it’s hunting elk or something it knows how to be a stealthy flier but in caves and other situations the creature can be a hassle to be around and deal with. There’s also the fact that she has a bad habit to breathing small puffs of fire when she sneezes or coughs or whatever and her smoke isn’t exactly a good thing always. Tucker’s personality makes him hard to get along with at times and more often than not he’ll end up storming off with his dragon in tow, leaving Arya to either slap him back to reality or let him go, hoping he’ll come back. He’s stubborn as a mule sometimes. Also when he throws one of his knives there is the chance that the enemy gets out of the way and then suddenly they can pick up a throwing knife themselves. He knows no magic, despite pretty much spending every waking moment with a wizard. [b]Companion:[/b] Tucker here is what the people call a ‘dragon rider’. His companion is a relatively large blue dragon that he has named Cali (Short for Calypso). Cali is a Victorian blue Wyvern style dragon, meaning it was no front limbs and walks on two legs using a long and powerful tail to balance. It’s skin is smooth and has very few bumps and spikes on it. The dragon’s main method of movement is it’s long and powerful back legs, which free it’s huge and dexterous bat like wings. Despite being over ten feet tall and over thirty feet long, with a sixty foot wingspan, Cali only weighs about two tons, meaning she is relatively light for a creature her size. She IS capable of breathing fire. In fact, she can breath it in several forms. The first is a high powered, concentrated blast that only lasts a few seconds but has high impact and incredible heat, the second is regular fire (can't go wrong!) and the final is smoke, her favorite. In fact, she often blows smoke in Tucker’s face when he annoys her. This elemental ability has a range of up to forty feet, and is used almost too often by the damn drake as if it were an instrument of music to a bard. She knows it annoys both Arya and Tucker and that’s probably why she does it. As an extremely intelligent variation of dragon, she is capable of understanding nearly everything said to her and reacts to it in a way akin to that of a fellow human or elf (only difference being she can't say anything back). So much so she’s actually pretty interested in political or religious conversations when they do spike up. She gets pissy, she gets angry, and can be excited and prideful and proud and friendly and jealous and tends to display all of these emotions and everything between on a regular basis. However, perhaps her most valuable aspect is her speed and maneuverability in the air. She has an aerodynamic frame, and her gargantuan wingspan (which is about twice her already impressive length) gives her incredible propulsion, so much so that there is the potential to knock a man over with a few wingbeats. This speed allows her to hit hunting dive of two hundred miles an hour, and have a maximum horizontal flight speed of about 105 mph. On the base of her back, just behind her long and powerful neck, is Tucker’s two person saddle, which has several things tied to it. She has a leather bag or two of this and that on one side, and Tucker’s Guitar and violin on the other side to balance it out. She doesn’t carry too much because she needs to fly, but she still has some of the things they need, the essentials mainly. Like all dragons, her scales are tough and hard to penetrate. Most arrowheads, while they might be able to go poke through, won't go deep enough to cause a serious amount of harm if removed soon after. Swords and axes however are best avoided. Cali has gargantuan wings, and uses them effectively, the problem is, these wings are huge targets if she’s planning to dive in or spew fire all over the prey she or Tucker set. The skin is fairly thin on her wing membranes, and therefore things like arrowheads will go through them. While this initially won’t be a huge issue, several arrows can cause her wings to tear which is very painful and can leave her stranded on the ground if she survives the crash landing. While the wings will heal, it can take a while for this to occur. There is also the factor that if she hits her maximum nose dive speed, she can sometimes have a hard time pulling up without hurting herself. (Based off of this image, credit to author: http://th04.deviantart.net/fs71/PRE/i/2012/262/9/0/___dragon_rider____by_sinistereternity-d5f8mh2.png ) [b]Other:[/b] Tucker claims he can speak to Cali with his mind, and even see through her eyes with her. Arya think’s its a load of shit. He is also in a bet with Arya to bed every race in Tithe. Polaris ain’t got shit. [/hider] [hider=Arya Falen][b]Name:[/b] Arya Falen [b]Age:[/b] 27 [b]Gender:[/b] Female. [b]Species:[/b] Elf [b]Kingdom of Origin:[/b] Nepharie [b]Physical appearance:[/b] Being an elf, she is not a very large person by genetics. At 5’5, she’s fractionally smaller than the average human. Very few people actually know what kind of elf she is, as she looks more like a halfling than anything else. She has an odd skin color, a pale white that seems to almost glow like that of the moon at night, like a snow elf of some kind. She’s thin, but wiry in build, as is the nature of her species. To start things off, she has an oval shaped face and thin almond shaped with long eyelashes, curious blue eyes that seem to analyze anything and everything she see. She has a small mouth adjourned with full natural lips. Her nose is somewhat small, and round in shape. Her body is visibly taught with wiry muscle by nature, and her thin frame has worked against her somewhat, making her breasts and rear smaller than the preferred size. Her legs are what make her so tall for a female elf, being long and thin. Being built like a runner, she is in fact good at running, but not so much in terms of physical value, making her wits and her magic her strongest aspects. She has very long brown hair, often tied into a ponytail and split at the center of her forehead into long curtain like bangs that fall past her chin. Her eyebrows are thin and brown like her hair. Light freckling goes across her nose. Like all elves, she has long pointy ears that stick out of her hair. She has a golden ear ring pierced into the right one. Her body is almost scarless due to healing magic being used almost as soon as an injury is acquired. (Based upon this image, credit to author: http://th03.deviantart.net/fs12/300W/i/2006/298/c/3/Female_Wizard_by_Kuroi1nu.jpg ) [b]Attire:[/b] Her attire is well... odd. She visibly looks like a person who performs the ethereal arts often. On her forearms which are padded and made of light metal. Obviously not meant for much protection. Along it however it has intricate inscriptions and art carved into it by no doubt a master craftsman. Her upper body is covered by brown leather and a blue wool undershirt, the leather bearing similar designs pressed into it with some portions cut out to hold small stones or her undershirt. Above that, she wears a thick leather and wool half cape, which falls to the middle of her back and partially covers her arms, leaving only her forearms and elbows exposed. Along her neck, underneath the collar folds of the half cape, she has a golden amulet with three jewels pressed into it, blue, green, and red each. The amulet is no doubt worth a lot of money, and she always keeps it on her person because of it. Her waist is covered with two criss-crossed straps that rest on her hips, each holding a medium sized pack that rests on either side of her thigh, tightly held in place. On her legs she wears black leggings and trekking boots over her feet, with light leather padding on the front of her legs and on her knees. [b]Personality:[/b] There's only one kind of person who can be around Tucker for such a long period of time, and that is the kind of cool, calculated genius with a sprinkle of wicked sarcasm and dark humor that can not only use your jabs against you, but make an idiot out of everything you are and do should they choose to. Arya is incredibly smart, too much so for her own good at times. She won't even attempt to fight some battles if she knows the chances are small and will almost always try to find the easiest route or a win-win situation. In that way, she's incredibly lazy. She's an incredibly studious woman, her nose is almost always in some book, or writing something down in her note pad. when she's not dragging Tuck out of trouble. Being a mage, she's a practiced analytic and while Tucker might be better at reading people, she's superior in well... Reading everything else. Very few things get her legitimately excited or happy that aren't books of magic or Tucker making a fool of himself. She can be awkward with new people, more often than not coming off as cold until she deems them worthy of her attention. She will often question life in general, and anything else that falls under the purview of philosophy. What is, what has been, what could've been, and what could be are very big questions she often asks herself. [b]Hobbies/interests:[/b] Reading, writing, philosophy, as an alchemist in training she’s fairly good at making concoctions that stimulate healing or strength or buff something or another. She’s taken to writing music for Tucker. She’s spent many years working with various forms of magic and in doing so has learned how to identify a few of the more well known magical or exotic creatures in the land. [b]Skills:[/b] Alchemy, spellcasting, working under pressure, multi tasking, confusing the hell out of people with hard questions, etc. She is excellent at using magic for practical purposes and often does use it to assist in various everyday things. New spells are used on Tucker for practice. [b]Backstory:[/b] Arya's life has been relatively streamlined since she was young. Due to her family being elite and wealthy scholars in the magical field, as soon as she could walk and talk she was taught how to use Light magic. The basics mainly, but it was clear she was a prodigy at it from the start. Her affinity to the arts were uncanny even by her heritage. At the age of ten she was sent to college of the ethereal arts to learn how to use light magic. She spent several years in this school, only having a day off during a week of almost constant schooling and direction in her art and other various things (for example, she knows how to read and write, while Tucker didn't know how to read until she taught him). At the age of thirteen she came to know Tucker's family and his dragon, whom she saved from being slaughtered by the family for lack of means to take care of it. Assisting the family with some of her own family's money, the young drake was spared and life continued on relatively normally after that, except now she had a tool to study. A creature of myth and legend to conduct research on. When she was sixteen the dragon turned upon her for an unknown reason, and Tucker stepped in to calm the beast. It was then that they began getting closer. Arya initially did so to gain protection from the now fairly large beast, but quickly became attached to Tucker's magnetic personality. The years trailed on and Arya continued her schooling. At the age of twenty one things went odd when she went out drinking with Tucker and other friends. Essentially the two woke up to one another. They drifted from one another for a while, only to reunite again at the same bar a few years later at the age of twenty-three. Basically they ended up hugging one another and have been virtually inseparable ever since. One night she made a bet with him to bed every race in Tithe. Now they travel, looking for spellbooks, gold, females, and glory. And a map, because they've been lost as shit since Cali burnt the map up on accident. (“accident”) [b]Family: [/b] She is of an elite line, and and therefore her family has taken good care of itself. Her mother, father, brother, and even her grandparents are still alive. [b]Relationships:[/b] | [b]Tucker[/b] | [b]Good[/b] | [b]Best Friend[/b] | [i]“He’s a good man, a valuable ally, and I dare say he’s the only person I'd put my life on the line for.”[/i] | [b]Weaponry:[/b] Large: A Staff. Medium: Magic Small: Various vials of potions she’s made, A dagger. [b]Abilities:[/b] She is a prodigy at magic, and has expertly acted upon her natural affinity with the art. She has been learning to use and control light magic since she could talk. Initially from her parents, and then from her college, where she stayed for the better portion of her life. She has been practicing the art in depth for over seventeen years diligently and has therefore become very adept at using the elements she has at her disposal, with mishaps here and there of course. But generally she's reliable and an excellent backup. She also carries her staff which she sometimes used as a medium for casting and/or hitting. She has developed the very interesting ability to cast electricity, and in doing so has figured out how to chain it to closeby targets as to harm them at the same time. Her alchemy has been something she’s always been fairly good at, and in her satchels she normally carries various ingredients and vials which she will brew at a later date. She almost always has a few healing potions on her person at all times in case magic can’t be relied on, normally has an emergency seed she can plant if she starts feeling unnaturally tired. [b]Weaknesses:[/b] While she is powerful and agile, she is not very good on the physical front. She is a spellcaster, a mage, not a brawler or an up close fighter. If you manage to get past her tricks, she is left relatively defenseless. She also doesn't have much protection from ranged weaponry such as bullets, bolts, or arrows that are not wards of some kind or ironflesh. She also needs to plant seeds fairly often due to her common use of magic. She is limited in the same ways all elves are. On the personal side, while she is fairly dexterous she does wear glasses and if those are knocked off her vision is severely impaired. [b]Companion:[/b] She and Tucker both consider Cali their dragonic companion, even though Cali is imprinted upon and is Tucker's dragon. [b]Other:[/b] Polaris doesn't like magic? He ain't seen nothing yet.[/hider] [hider=Tooth-In-The-Sea][b]Name:[/b] Tooth-In-The-Sea (Tooth for short). [b]Age:[/b] 53 [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Species:[/b] Saurian [b]Kingdom of Origin:[/b] Tropics [b]Physical appearance:[/b] Tooth is a very large being, standing in the upper sizes of the Saurian race, being 8'1 and weighing about six hundred pounds give or take (without his armor he’s probably in the 500’s). He's really just a big guy. He's covered in short square charcoal colored feathers, and has deep black scales. These feathers usually maroon in coloration at the ends. On the underside of his arms and insides of his legs and belly, he has white, pristine feathers. Along his neck he has red plumage that is normally relaxed against his neck, but like a bird's can stand on end when alarmed. He has four fingers and three toes, each tipped with small and somewhat pointy claws. His feathers cover up his vast array of scars and healed wounds. (Based upon this image: http://th09.deviantart.net/fs70/PRE/f/2011/104/a/a/iomethus_by_silvac-d3dyb91.png ) [b]Attire:[/b] A simple long sleeve leather and cloth tunic is what he wears over his feathers and scales, but over that, his exteriors looks far more intimidating. He has two huge metal and fur padded shoulder pads that are strapped across his chest, and two thick and dark steel metal gauntlets that rest over his forearms and the back of his hand, held in place by furs and gauze like straps that go around the underside of his hands, leaving his fingers free. His chest is covered with thick bone armor, most likely taken from something that was armored in life. His leggings are composed of thick leather and much like his arms, has thick metal guards over his shins half in place by leather and gauze like straps. He wears no shoes on his feet. On his tail he has segmented armor that goes along the base, but disappears somewhat abruptly as it flattens out. He wears no helmet, instead he has a hood attached, which he often has up. On each of his hips he has the blades strapped in their sheaths, and on his back he has his crossbow. Behind the sheath on his left hip his crossbow bolt case, and on the right he has his satchel. (Based upon this image: http://img3.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20140904013204/elderscrolls/images/0/07/FmOnK.jpg ) [b]Personality:[/b] Overall, Tooth is what most view as the quiet one. The person who enjoys their 'me time' more than anyone else. He watches and listens when need be but is otherwise near the back, quiet. Some might define him as a follower, or two unintelligent to add to it. They'd be dead wrong. Tooth is a very intelligent person who, when listening to plans, fonds their faults and does his best to cover them. He is an extremely patient person. Having spent so many years on voyages or trading routes, he has built up a resilience to the effects of time most men never have. This resilience has been applied to most of her personality, making him slow to anger or become frustrated, as well as slow to be entertained or befriended. He is a very hesitant person because he has seen a lot of different people. From the nicest to the most twisted there are, and he's met a lot of the latter. This makes him slow to trust people in general and while others rely on him, he always has an eye out for himself. He always watches his own back with diligent regard. Going as far as to set trip wires around his sleeping quarters or water buckets at the top of doors to alert him if he sleeps. If he is in the presence of a particular individual, he won't sleep at all. He is a firm believer in forgive but do not forget. For some, like Apollos, he does not regard them as scum of the earth or to be killed on sight any longer. However he keeps his money close to his person at all times, and still regards him as the person he once was and knows what he's capable of doing. This mental dictionary has saved his life before. He always seems to be in a state of zen, with his voice being flat and devoid of emotion even if he feels it. He never lets his opposition, or even his friends and allies, know that he's tiring or angry. He sees some emotions as having nothing but negative and useless value, and therefore makes every attempt to separate himself from them. [b]Hobbies/interests:[/b] Carving, mapmaking, fishing, listening, and watching. He has an appreciation for music, and generally keeps a logbook of his adventures and travels. He can often be found writing or drawing things that he’d found or discovered in their journey. [b]Skills:[/b] As a sailor he is extremely well versed in the lands and almost always has a good sense of where he is in the world. Time zones, land formations, battlegrounds, unsafe territory, he can give a good idea of where they are and point the group in the right direction. He also speaks several languages, and is able to communicate with most people enough to get an idea of what’s going on or what is being sold. As a trader, he is excellent at finding good deals and sniffing out rip offs. Due to his area of origin and experience outside of it he’s also pretty good on telling you what his edible and what is not, and what ingredients have what effect. He’s not a good alchemist, but he knows what the good alchemists want. He also knows how to set up camp and is very knowledgeable in the ‘how to’s of surviving in the wild during traveling. [b]Backstory:[/b] Tooth is fairly secretive person when it comes to his life. What IS known however is that he was and is a sailor and has been one for upwards of twenty years, the only reason he's not sailing is due to wanting to travel the land for a while. In being a sailor he's met a lot of people, and has learned a lot of things about about the land of Tithe. In being a sailor he has also had to deal with his fair share of marauders in the past. He's nearly been killed several times, has been thrown off his ship, been taken as prisoner, etc. In all of these cases, he has survived. He has been through a few ships, and eventually, he learned how to really become a man worth being feared. Some of the most feared pirates of the seas learned to fear his name and avoid his ships. His swordsmanship was unmatched, his wits and ability to sail the seas were unrivaled, and his ability to strike a good deal? Legendary. It’s been several years since then, but many markets still know his name, and he has many stories to tell, and many to be made. [b]Family:[/b] Most of his family has passed away of older age, but he does have a divorced mate and two children. All three of which he doesn’t see often anymore, due to not being in the Tropics. [b]Relationships:[/b] Placeholder. [b]Weaponry:[/b] Large: Crossbow Medium: A four foot long steel Khopesh sword. Small: A Tomahawk, and a blowpipe with a few (about six) nonlethal hallucinogenic poison darts. [b]Abilities:[/b] As a Saurian, he enjoys several of the advantages that the other races do not, such as size and his senses. He will smell or hear people coming before anyone else sees them. There is also the fact that his size makes him hard to directly confront. There is also the fact that as a sailor he has learned how to fight, and he has learned how to fight well, as far as to besting Apollos in a swordfight all those years ago. Years of defending his ship has left him with incredible swordsman skills and his extra limb that is his tail gives him an extra edge in a fight. His vision is excellent in the dark, so far as to be considered night vision, allowing him to see things where others cannot. He is an excellent shot with his crossbow. Finally, he knows how to set traps, and knows some… interesting methods for beating enemies such as literally starting forest fires to starve them out before moving on, for example. [b]Weaknesses:[/b] While he is a rather intimidating person, he isn’t without weakness. He is subject to the same weaknesses that the Saurian race is normally subject to (such as being colorblind and sensory overloaded), as well as the ever present cold blooded factor that is unique to his species. Finally, while he was once one of the most deadly men to roam the seven seas that even pirates feared happening upon, the is the fact that he is not what he used to be. Being in his early fifties, Tooth is starting to slow down. His race tends to live to the seventies or eighties, so he is beginning to reach that point where his ability to heal is getting slower, he can’t throw himself around like he used to be able to, hangovers are all days things, if he bangs his arm or falls down he feels it in the morning, he’s past his prime by now. While he might’ve been able to beat enemies like he did once before, he himself recognizes that he probably doesn’t have the youth required to best some of the toughest foes around any longer. [b]Companion:[/b] N/A [b]Other:[/b] “There are some men who need to be stopped. Polaris is one of them.” [/hider]