Name: Amythest Malachite, MISTRESS OF THAT HEARTLESS MAGIC THE WORLD CALLS BLACK Theme Song: Gender: Female Age: OLDER THAN THE ABYSS OF TIME ITSELF(15) Appearance: [url=]"Hah! I am the TRUE darkness of this world!"[/url] Personality: Destroyer of kingdoms! Slayer of kings! Kidnapper of fair maidens! All of these things are not at all an apt description of Amythest as much as she would like others to think they are. Amythest would just [i]love[/i] to be seen as a terrible and cruel mistress of black magic who takes pleasure in the suffering of others. She styles herself as such, loudly proclaiming that she seeks to bring evil upon all mankind! ... And yet in action, she cannot ever bring herself to perform truly evil acts. No, in spite of her claims, Amythest is not the evildoer she styles herself as. For every claim of being a heinous monster that she makes, Amythest has likely done something only mildly malevolent or even outright benevolent and kind. She claims she has never done anything helpful for anyone, but truthfully the girl simply is a much better person than she claims she is. She likes children and often has trouble keeping her villainous facade up around them, unless they're finding it entertaining. Amythest is full of confidence and pride in herself, and refuses to back down in the face of danger. Unless that danger is spiders. Amythest does not like spiders. Favourite Colour(s): Blood red! Like the stains left behind by those who oppose her! Ahahaha! (Pink) Favourite Food(s): The souls of her enemies! (Cheesecake) Hobbies: Torturing the innocent! (Pressing flowers) Indulging in the spoils of conquest! (Collecting magical grimoires) Weapons: Her channeling staff. That is all. Powers/Abilities: Amythest is a black mage, utilizing primarily offensive spells. These spells are primarily fire-or-lightning-based, such as a bolt of lightning or a ball of fire. Amythest's most powerful spells, however, channel her mana as a beam or burst of purple energy. These spells can be highly hazardous to many organic targets. Amythest isn't very athletic and lacks physical skills, all her focus being on magic. Biography: Amythest was born to an average family and had an average life. Averagely. Boringly. It was dull. Really way, way too dull. Amythest couldn't stand how boring she felt it was. Sure, she was learning magic, but she never got to do anything with it! That's when she hit upon the idea of becoming a traveler! But not just any traveler... a Dark Traveler! Yes, she would paint herself as the most evil and dark adventurer to cross the lands! ... And it became quite obvious that these claims were only words, as she simply could not actually do anything that evil. But still, she ventures across the lands and proclaims her evilness while doing nothing to back it up.