[b]Xander "Vega" Chaser[/b] Inventory: Backpack, School Supplies, Flandre Scarlet Fumo Plushie, Wallet, Phone, Earbuds --- Xander repeated about what he said, who Flandre was and where she came from. "She's my fourth favorite character from the franchise." He says, before picking up Flandre again and petting the doll's head with his clean hand. He left her on his lap, using his other hand to eat his sandwich and drink his water. Though, his eyes shot towards the new person in the Deli, he seemed to bear his teeth upon sight of this fellow. Xander didn't like that type of person, at all, he could tell by how they walked, acted, and dressed. He eventually turned his gaze back to Arran and continued to pet his plushie.