[h3]Chiaki Nettu[/h3] - [url=http://youtu.be/GsDBVpQGitA]Warakuma Local Hospital[/url] Chiaki left school as soon as possible. She heard from the other students in her class that Noboru had been found and hospitalised, the chatter made the situation out to be extreme, Chiaki had many questions but first, she went to find Noboru's room. She asked the nurse hanging around the reception area and got the usual "Friend or Family?" After filling out a form, Chiaki was told where to find Noboru, the nurse said something about him being a popular patient. Walking along the hallway, she could smell the disinfectant and see a lot of people wired to machines and other medical equipment. Chiaki did not like hospitals that much, they gave her bad memories. Once she found the room, she knocked and opened it, assuming she wasn't interrupting anything, with a cheery hello she realised she, indeed, was interrupting something. [color=662d91]Heeell-ooo Noboru-kun! ... Oh, you have other visitors, sorry for the loud intrusion[/color] She closed the door behind her, walked up to Noboru and held out a small bag with sweets and a get well card. [color=662d91]For you! I'm glad you're back![/color] She smiled and turned towards the other boys in the room. She had seen one of the boys before, in the hallways of the school. The both wore the male school uniform, so they had to go Warakuma High. Chiaki changed before going to the hospital, she keeps spare clothes in a room in her class, without telling the teacher of course. [color=662d91]You boys are from Warakuma, friends of Noboru I take it. Its nice of you to visit him.[/color] She looked at Noboru with a scrunched up face. [color=662d91]You had me worried! Don't do that again you fool![/color]