Mithias exhaled in what was probably a disapproving sigh, although his expression gave no clue as to what he had been thinking. He tried to bridge the gap with words as he looked behind him at the city. "I feel something... a presence, yet it's not clear where it's coming from or even what it is. It's as if it's changing quality constantly, or... There's more than one. It's not the normal vampire population I'm sensing. It's different. This does not bode well." He hoped by some chance agent Hunter would offer his unique insight. He watched as James cut his finger seemingly for a reason. Mithias felt a brief curiosity about what power the other vampire was calling upon, but he wouldn't get to see it. The sound of vehicles in the distance, large vehicles, was growing distinctly louder, to the point that it caught the company's attention for being so out of place. Mithias looked at James before they both went to look more closely down the hill at what was coming. Tanks were rolling up Main street, flaming crosses in their wake. The drone of several helicopters accompanied them above, and Mithias knew immediately what fanatical faction was upon them. It was SOLDIER's "other" worst enemy. "The Purge." He said angrily and narrowed his eyes. Yet, even Mithias had to blink twice at the armor-clad, human warrior he saw heading the offending army. Kame no Kage was known to SOLDIER, and few who ever saw him lived to tell about it, be they vampire or not. Mithias had studied him, but so little was known about the warrior's techniques and weaknesses that it was a feat merely to recognize him. He had killed oldbloods, and Mithias wasn't going to underestimate him. He had to warn James. SOLDIER certainly did know something was up. They would have been tracking the Purge, and perhaps this was their reason for transferring so many of their vampire agents to Kilo Point headquarters. But something didn't make sense. SOLDIER vampires were employed to dispatch rebel vampires, and they hardly ever worked together on a mission. The Purge were merely humans. Of course vampires hated them and would fight them, but... this hardly seemed necessary. The look on General Matt's and Agent Hunter's faces indicated that neither of them had been informed of this attack in the least. Could this have been... a setup?! With Kame here, SOLDIER could stand to lose the majority of its Elite vampire squadron. Mithias couldn't explain why, but he doubted this was all merely a coincidence. Nonetheless, there was no time to speculate. "General. That warrior is the 'Divine Shadow.' He is an asassin as powerful as any vampire. I doubt any of us can stand against him directly. We need to weaken him and find his strategy. If you can handle their tanks and human warriors, that would buy us time. The Purge must be stopped here, else I fear a chain reaction of Purge uprisings across the country will ensue."