Felyse ignored the ruckus before him and hopped off the couch’s arm, making his way to his assigned group. In doings so, he smoothly jumped over Nick’s prone form, leaning over Penelope’s and Heather’s shoulders to get a good look at the tablet. He let out a low whistle as soon as his gaze landed on the list of crimes this Wenton fella had committed. [color=8dc73f]"Vandalism, arson, murder, assaults…”[/color] Felyse raised an eyebrow. [color=8dc73f]“Woah, this guy got too much time on his hands. I could've finished my degree with that much time." [/color] He grinned and gave Ferghus a jolly slap on the shoulders. [color=8dc73f]“Look at you, Ferg! You’ll go far in this business,”[/color] he grinned cheerfully, ignorant of the unease that some of the amateur heroes and misfits felt about the pact. He nodded toward the group before turning to face the Irish man, elbowing him playfully at his rib.[color=8dc73f] “I don’t know about going up where the sun doesn't shine, but I’m willing to join the bandwagon. There's nothing more satisfying than eating skittles, being awesome, and letting this scofflaw sit behind bars.” [/color] Hearing Heather’s teasing, he raised an eyebrow and grin. [color=8dc73f]“Oh? Then how do you feel about masks and codenames? I don’t know about the mask part, but I got plenty of hats to go around. ” [/color]