A near white blonde head of hair wormed its way out of a blue hood because of the wind. On a billboard a slender figure in blue and black could be seen, he sat along the edge looking out over the city. This was his new home, he hadnt been to his old home since he had initially left it several years ago. He felt no desire to seek out his family, his own sisters had turned him into the DUP, ruining any sort of happy family reunion that he would've had. He wasn't sad though, he looked forward, he was never one to dwell on the past. The billboard behind the boy branded a large sinister skull with tears of blood. A symbol that had come to represent the reapers in this city. But that's not all that was on the board. Now a large flaming phoenix, with the letters NYC drawn into it's chest, was on the board. The phoenix flew upward its wings outstretched, flames coming off its tail like a jet. This new symbol, one to represent rebirth, of himself and the city. It now in part covered the skull. As if to say, you may still be here, but the city belongs to itself not you. A radio chimed at his side. "Multiple Conduits in the Washington Street Area." He stood and took one last look at his art, his message. "Looks like it might be time to see who my neighbors are." He smiled and suddenly a large bird similar to what he just painted appeared. It grabbed him by the shoulders and took off into the air. He arrived fairly quickly and landed on a rooftop next to the action, as he was dropped by the bird it continued to fly, but flew into the side of a building leaving a intriguing looking piece of art.