Long ago, before the very concept of time, me and my two friends roamed free as discount heroes, saving people with our glorious abilities for the low, low price of 5 silver, 2 copper. We also fought evil when it appeared, and evil would fight us when we made ourselves known. Everything was as it should be. Yes, everything was in it's place right up until an evil presence began attacking Earth, and, whatever it was, no-one knew how to stop it. Heroes and villains soon had to join forces just to keep this thing from devouring villages and ending nations that had barely started. Soon, we were called to dispatch of it. First, we tried reconnaissance. It was the only logical conclusion. I mean, how could you defeat something if you didn't know what it was? Unfortunately, it was a "trap" and the "trap's" name was Jailo. Despite his weird fixation with extremely short dress-bottoms and miniature capes over his weird white buttoned-up tunic, Jailo was definitely a force to be reckoned with. By that I mean we didn't even get a glimpse of his knee-high leg coverings before he wrecked face and began to make his way back to his strange rectangular sand-castle. Now, I can't exactly recall how the next bit went due to the concussion Jailo had given me while using my face to crack nuts, but I am certain that a bright light shined in from the heavens as and angel fell through Earth and took Jailo with him down to Hell. Yes, I am definitely most certain that Lucifer crashed from heaven, wings gone and halo smashed in two, directly hit Jailo while on his way to Hell. The interesting part was Jailo fading through Earth like it was nothing- like a ghost! Almost 100 years passed since that event and me and my two friends are now living in Hell. You see, many angels followed Lucifer when he fell, for they believed that he was the true god. Us three? We kind of owed him for unintentionally saving the world. The second we got there we spoke with the big man himself, who recognized us as the heroes who saved the world from the dark one known as Jailo. His reward for us was a spot in royalty. Yes, we were to become Demon Kings (and a Demon Queen) and our demon names were: Malacus (me), Jorishen, and Daishiri, the Demon Queen. [hider=Most of the story]As more angels piled in from Heaven and as more demons were born from the evil and hatred the world produced on a daily basis, me and my two friends decided to take action as soon as it became clear that Lucifer does not want to do fuck all to help Hell. The first order of business was to shove all the violent evil demons into holes they can't escape and to shove all the violent not evil demons into armies to harness their destructive power. The non-violent ones divided themselves into factions under certain Demon Royalty. The three most prominent were my faction, the Warriors of Truth, Jorishen's faction, the Peacekeepers, and Daishiri's faction, the Warriors of Chaos. As I can remember, the early days were fun. Daishiri would order a team of demons to wreak havoc on the world and my faction would always be there to stop them, while in Hell the non-fighters would turn violent on each-other to please their factions leader and Jorishen's faction would calm everyone down. While it caused plenty of wars and thousands of diseases after each of our little fights, we just saw it as an interesting game. While humans were busy dying of the Plague, we were busy joking around and laughing. Then 500 years flashed before our eyes and something bad happened. Humans on this version of Earth progressed faster than humans on your Earth. With knowledge of magic and, sometimes, advanced technology, humans were constantly making new ways to screw each-other. It got so bad that the resident fortune-telling Demon King told us an apocalypse could be possible. With that bothersome thought in mind, I called the first meeting of the Underworld Council, which had representatives from most magical races and the three prominent Demon Royalty. Overall there were sixteen at the first meeting. Me, Jorishen, and Daishiri. The Werewolf King, the Vampire King, the Ghost King, and the Human King. Two werewolf heroes, one vampire hero, three ghost heroes, and three human heroes. We discussed the perfect plan to stop the apocalypse from happening and eventually ended with the only safe option: Reset button. We would erase the minds of all humans, erase the vast majority of their buildings, and destroy all of their tech besides the most basic. Then they would be allowed to start over. We decided to do this every 3000 years, to keep humans safe. Unfortunately there was nothing we could do about the overwhelming amount of magical items that had been created besides hide them in demon-made structures far below the surface. This meant one thing: the items of Truth, magical items that had been created by worshipers of me, were lost forever. I had truly thought that the items that could hold the secrets of the universe had been gone. That is, until I met a poor young soul named Necras. Necras' story was a tragic affair. The poor lad was struck with severe blurry vision at a young age when he witnessed a werewolf king being summoned to this plane. Afterwards he started having weird visions of the future, which made him the black sheep in his village. He was set to marry a beautiful and kind young woman, who died tragically at the hands of the villagers when they forced her off of a cliff. Necras left only one survivor, who, ironically, was the person who killed him. Now, at the young age of twenty one, the boy stood at my feet and I struck a deal with him. "You can either stay in here and be tortured for all of forever, or you can go back to Earth as my champion and bring dangerous demons back to Hell. What is your answer?" He said no, took the keys back to the mortal realm, flipped me the bird, and escaped Hell. When he came back to his body, he found himself to be immortal. He was also standing next to another immortal half-demon named Jovis, who had ALSO recently escaped after I made a deal with him. Needless to say, I started using retina scanners for the doors. I thought this was a stroke of bad luck, but I was mistaken when, 50 years later, Necras found one of the many artifacts I had been searching for- the Glasses of Truth. The Glasses of Truth brought out the true personality of whoever wore them, and hid the projected personality deep within the sub-conscious. Necras turned from a complete dick to a cheerfully ignorant lout. It was a win/win. I could easily convince him to be my champion AND he got his eyesight back. Unfortunately, Necras was smarter than I thought. He removed the glasses and decided to keep them hidden away for awhile. I'll give you a synopsis of what happened after that: Necras and Jovis went through history dicking everything up and eventually ended up in the wild west where they would own a gang called the Thirteen Guns of Brixton. Some unfortunate things happened and his whole gang died besides Jovis and I appeared to tell him that this is all that would happen if he continued to live without paying. I struck another deal with him. If he became my champion and cleared all the evil demons from the world, I would restore his mortality. If he said no, I would continue to make his life miserable. This time he said yes. On one condition: I would have to keep his projected personality locked deep inside so he would never have to deal with anything without a blissful, ignorant smile. I agreed. 2 centuries later and he has not disappointed. Despite his presence, much more evil has shown up than usual with no-one to combat it besides Necras. Back in my day there were two Heroes for every one Villain, no exceptions. How dare the power-inclined turn up an opportunity to prove themselves in battle? Don't you understand that the non-discounted price of good deeds is 10 gold!? Fools! Where have all the good guys gone!?[/hider] Heyo, welcome to the roleplay. If you haven't read the whole thing, I'll tell you what's going on. An old menace has re-surfaced and the power-inclined (people with supernatural abilities of some kind, ranging from werewolves to mutants) must nut-up and help save the world! Necras, Malacus, Jovis, Jorishen, and Daishiri will not be making an appearance, but that just means there are less NPCs to deal with. As per usual, use common sense, don't argue with the GM, and have fun. [hider=Character Sheet] Name: Age: Appearance: Personality: History: Race: (demon, werewolf, vampire, elf, dwarf, yada-yada. You know what to do) Power(s): If any. Don't make them too over-powered. Leave some room for the power to evolve. Weapon(s): If any. You can have magical weapons, but don't make them too over-powered. The rules with using artifacts as weapons is as follows: The ability the artifact has eventually either needs to be recharged or stops working altogether. Abilities often leaves the users tired if they are not used to using the ability the artifact has. When using dark artifacts, one must sacrifice something. It can be anything- a drop of blood or some hair even. But be warned when using hair or blood or saliva or anything like that: Dark artifacts will often associate your DNA as an appropriate source on energy or power and it will leave you harmed or worse. Stance: are you goody-two-shoes or evil McDickbag? [/hider]