Inquisitorial Flagship The [i]Word of law[/i] Inquisitor Helynna Valeria stood on the bridge of Strike Cruiser, watching the unnamed planet below as if she could see the troops dying from orbit. Her goal was worth however many lives it took to capture this rock. The remaining records showed that hundreds of years ago this planet would tithe 16 Emperor class titans and nothing else every four years. If she could get it operational or better yet recover these Titans she could gain access to the Necron tomb world that had somehow avoided the Tyranids. Of course she questions how they could produce so many Titans but most records had been destroyed or lost to time, the tech-priests with her however were just as keen to know. The Dark Angels would be arriving soon and they would be help the imperial guard push through, if they didn't well a Inquisitor has her ways. She smiled and walked into her war room, she need to speak with her officers. Dark Angels 7th Company Fleet Aboard Battle Barge [i]Ultimate Vengeance[/i] Captain Abner had just awoken two Dreadnoughts, Cain and Deckard, brothers before training and both of them having been first company terminators until there deaths, now they would accompany there brothers once more into battle. He left the two tech marines in his company to ready them. He emerged onto the bridge just as they left the warp, he spoke into his vox taking a seat the ship moved in on the planet. "Squads ten through six report to your drop pods. You have the honor being our Vanguard in this fight." With that done he turned his attention forward, Chaplain-interrogator Daniels would be overseeing the hunt for Cypher, as to keep up appearances and hid the truth of there involvement he would meet with the Inquisitor before taking his command squad down and into the fight. if he could secure Cypher, well it would make him quite the legend among the Inner Circle. He opened commutations to the Inquisitors flagship, The [i]Word of law[/i]. "I will be aboard shortly, first I will send down my men and scramble fighters to assist the guardsmen below." He cut it off not letting her respond, next he opened a channel to all guardsmen below. "To soldiers of the Imperium, look up and rally, the angels of death have arrived, your salvation is at hand, rally to them and fight with the sons of the first Primarch! Glory to the God-Emperor!" WIth that the drop pods fell and Angels descended from above and onto the battlefield.