There seemed to be little that Cassarah could do as she was directed into a smaller one of the few rooms in Sheera's home. "Wait, hold on! I thought [i]we[/i] were going to talk! Missus Solomon!?" She paid no heed. The door shut behind the two and Cassarah's brow curled worriedly. She placed a hand to her forehead and wondered how this day could diverge any further from what she had planned. "Okay," Cassarah sighed, putting her staff on the counter next to her, finding a seat opposite Leneas, and retrieving some parchment, ink, and a pen from her shoulder bag. [i]Leneas, what a rural name,[/i] she thought. When she finally brought herself to look up at him, he was blushing like a forge. People didn't really blush around Cassarah unless she insulted them enough to make them furious. Unless this Leneas character had so much pride that he would explode from Cassarah's regular behaviour, that meant that perhaps he...Cassarah couldn't bring herself to think that far into it. The guy was probably just not used to being around girls. Leneas' question reignited Cassarah's suspicions that the guards were after her, so she was cautious. "Well, Leneas, what can you tell me about this Astech?" Cassarah asked in a tone that sounded less like she wanted to be rid of him and more serious and professional. Leneas' answer would decide whether he actually knew about demons or was involved in a sting to make her admit her business in town.