Domenico was bored, and extremely uncomfortable. It had been less than 24 hours since the inquisition arrived, and they already had a fair number of the officers on their ship, including his sorry ass. Now that made him uncomfortable, why the hell did whatever inquisitor was running this show want a penal legion colonel on their ship? Well, regardless of why he was there, he had certainly not enjoyed his welcoming committee. As soon as he had stepped on board he was surrounded by tech priests, all yelling about "holy templates" and "perverted, non standard monstrosities" and they had only recently fucked off. He had never gotten much flak over his jury rigged chimera's before, they were rejects, just like the penal legionnaires who drove them. "Guess tech priests were touchier" He thought to himself. He did know one thing, his Chem inhaler was running enough relaxants through it to kill a large child, and that was exactly what he needed right now. Flying made him nervous to begin with, flying surrounded by tech priests in an inquisitorial ship made him a lot more nervous. As he bemused about why anyone gave a shit about his legions presence on world the door to the war room opened, and in walked one hell of woman. He almost whistled, but stopped himself when he saw the inquisition seals and symbols, and sighed instead. "There's our new boss" He whispered to the officer next to him. Then, Domenico put his feet on the table, and leaned back in his chair, he really hoped she wasn't about to shoot him.