Xander "Vega" Chaser Inventory: Backpack, School Supplies, Flandre Scarlet Fumo Plushie, Wallet, Phone, Earbuds --- "Huh, no one's ever been really interested in my plushies.." [i]or me..[/i] He muttered afterwards, a bit more sad when saying that to himself. "First favorite is Cirno, she's an ice fairy, second favorite is Remilia Scarlet, Flandre's big sister, awfully close to first place, and third is Suwako Moriya, goddess of the Moriya Shrine." He said, bringing up his phone and showing pictures of the three, as well as Flandre. [Hider= Touhou] [B] Remilia Scarlet[/b] [img]http://vignette4.wikia.nocookie.net/touhou/images/d/d2/RemiliaSWR.png/revision/latest?cb=20100429083456[/img] [B] Flandre Scarlet[/b] [img]http://s1.zerochan.net/600/08/30/889008.jpg[/img] [B]Suwako Moriya[/b] [Img]http://en.touhouwiki.net/images/thumb/2/2c/Th123Suwako.png/250px-Th123Suwako.png[/img] [B] Cirno[/b] [Img]http://en.touhouwiki.net/images/thumb/c/cb/Th123Cirno.png/200px-Th123Cirno.png[/img] (Cirno is in my signature and profile picture, but here you go) [/hider] "Erm....yeah....the games have no male characters what-so-ever, but they're pretty great games..." Xander said his redness on his face returning.