[quote=@YamiCuoreLaroux] Devon had been shocked at what had happened to Autumn when she attempted her dare. Scared of heights? How unlucky did one get? Before anything too terrible happened, though, the really muscly boy seemed to already be in action, jumping way higher than the clearly smaller teen had ever seen a human jump and safely bring the shaky girl back to the ground to her sister. The dark-haired teen sighed in relief; at least the girl hadn't been hurt. As the others went back to the game, though, Devon thought to approach the two girls just to make sure that everything really was alright. "Hey, um... You gonna be okay? I'm sorry, that was really rough, wasn't it?" The young dragon knelt next to the two girls, feeling a bit awkward about it all. [i]She still doesn't look too good...poor kid.[/i] [/quote] [quote=@Josie123] Luna was now standing up looking at the twins and the guy who saved Autumn. She relaxed when she saw that Autumn was okay and into her sister's arms. So she walked up to the twins, making sure her hoodie was still on her making her face unnoticeable. She said softly, "Are you okay, Autumn?" She felt her stomach turn from how embarrassing she probably was right now. And creepy since no one else meet her or anything. And this was her first time talking to someone since she got here. [/quote] [quote=@TheHangedMan] David grimaced. "Uh, well, that's uh, anticlimactic." He cleared his throat and steeled himself. Autumn was given a near traumatizing experience, the least he could do was put up with a little singing. He opened his mouth and sang like a god . . . of [i]death[/i]. The song he chose? Sweet Child of Mine, by GNR. When he was finished, he took a deep breath and gave a weak, 'tada?' and sat back down trying to keep his face as straight as possible. [/quote] Alison had her arms wrapped securely around Autumn as she helped her trembling twin back over to their seat. She was still deathly pale and wasn't moving all that much. She had her eyes closed with her head resting on Alison's shoulder. Alison was stroking her hair soothingly, knowing that Autumn was probably going to have nightmares tonight. When Devon came over and asked if she was okay Alison feared that Autumn wouldn't answer. Then another girl came over and asked the same question. After a few moments Autumn nodded her head, hands raising slowly. Her signing was still shaky due to the fact that her hands were still trembling but Alison was able to make out what it was she was saying. [color=red]"She said that though she doesn't feel too good now she'll be fine."[/color] Alison translated. Then a sound filled the air and Autumn blinked her eyes open, unsure what it was. When she realized David was singing she gave him a weak, tiny smile; trying to show him support even though it was evident he could use some singing lessons.