Name: Llynn Brèvedent Gender: Male Age: 21 Nationality: Unknown but was previously living in Alvina as an orphan. Appearance: [hider=Appearance~] [img][/img] [/hider] Standing at about 5’8ft, he is a bit on the tall side. Always found wearing a glare, his azure blue eyes always pierced people deeply. Hair always in disorder, he never really cared much for his looks, and thus has always kept it unkempt. Has a Darkness symbol under his left wrist. Bio: Not remembering much of his childhood, only that he’s been with his brother for as long as he can remember. Growing up as orphans in Alvina, and barely being able to live day after day by barely scraping up enough money for a meager piece of bread that was shared between the brothers. This would eventually fall short one day, and almost close to death due to hunger, a mysterious, old and haggard man came and offered them housing and food, under the pretense that they join his organization, “The Gray Hand.” Being unable to refuse, they accepted and were taken under his wing. The man taught and trained both the brothers in the way of assassination, seeing them as pawns that would be useful to the organization in the future. Growing up in a ragged and tough life, Llynn has become Sharp-Tongued, Cold and a tad bit Irritable but still having some compassion. Finally coming of age to take on his first assassination mission with his brother. Easily overpowering the man he was assigned to kill, even without the help of his brother, all he had to do was finish the job, but he had mixed thoughts, while he did not care for the man, he didn’t want to outright murder him without good reason. “Hey, what are you doing, kill him.” said Caleb, under the shadow of a tree. “Bu- But he could be innocent for all we know.” Llynn replies. “No, he's not. You can't be sure, not now, not ever- if you want to live, that is. Follow the Master's orders, we can't bite the hand that feeds us, Llynn.” retorted Caleb with a look of indifference on his face. With eyes of regret, he finally musters up the resolve to finish off the man, he kept telling himself that the reason he was killing this person was because he [i]needed[/i] too, for all he knows this person was probably a low-life who was asked to be assassinated. Repeating these reasons in his head, no matter how foolish they were, he finally managed to deliver the final blow. Offering a small prayer, Llynn left his body to rot. Being patted on the back by his brother after finishing off the man. After each and every mission he had, he grew ever colder. Always telling himself that they deserved to be killed and it wasn’t ‘his’ fault. This put a great mental burden on Llynn. Whenever he came back, his brother would always shoot that same smirk on his face and say “Good work.” In time, the brothers both reached their limits by being tasked to murder an innocent family to ‘test’ their loyalty to the organization, this mission would happen in a few weeks, the brothers were awestruck. They nodded meekly, but they both knew that they would not be able to do that, both of them planned their escape. When the brothers set off their escape plan, it was going rather smoothly until at the last moment, they were spotted by one of the tower guards. Racing the alarm, they panicked to get to the last exit, almost making it out, Llynn gets caught by one of the traps set down for intruders. Getting instantly knocked out, the next thing he knew is that he was strapped on to a table, getting tortured for ‘betraying’ the organization. After a long and gruesome torture, perhaps because of all the pain, he finally fell unconscious with one last with a blunt plank. Llynn waking up with Retrograde amnesia, he forgot almost everything he knew only that he was part of the order and, the order taking advantage of this, continue to send him out for missions. Unable to remember his purpose, he continued to execute his missions, but eventually his memories started to come back after each mission, with his hate for the order growing ever stronger. Honing his skill before trying to escape, he also found out that he had been able to use lightning that was siphoned from the symbol that was under his left wrist. Training every single day, with contempt and malice towards the order, he had manage to get, through rigorous training, ‘Apprentice’ level with Darkness and improved his combat experience. He finally made his escape, killing a sizable number of the order before his way out. Now he seeks Redemption for his wrongdoings and also seeks out members of “The Gray Hand”, he sought out the ‘Black Order’, in an attempt to try and undo his wrongdoings. It is said that this order was formed during the ‘Age of the Beasts’ whose main purpose was to free men from the servitude of beasts. Finally finding this rather, elusive order, he finally managed to join them, Walking in the halls of the black order he was rather amazed at the grandeur size of the building. Then seeing a man leaning back on a pillar, he clutches his head in pain and recollects the smirk he saw on his face. [i]“Brother~”[/i] called the voice under the shadow of the pillar. --- Fighting Style: Llynn fights with a sabre in the right hand and a small dagger on the left. He prefers speed over power as he believes that if you can’t be hit, you ultimately win. Equipment: Light armor, helps augment his speed. [hider=A sabre~] [img][/img] [/hider] [hider=Dagger, usually coated in poison~] [img][/img] [/hider] Cloak of Hiding - This cloak helps the user hide his presence even easier, through vigilance, he can get spotted. Crossbow [hider=Skills/Abilities~] Being trained in the way of assassination from an early age, his skill has been honed since then. Staying longer in the order, he has been taught of more deadly ways to end his target's life. Choosing Speed over Strength, he always thought that if the opponent cannot manage to land a single hit, you, theoretically, win. Despite this he still has a respectable amount of strength. A faint symbol on his left wrist that he's never really noticed until in one particular mission, he was cornered in a room after a failed assassination attempt, right before the final blow was struck, out of desperation, managed to harness the power of his 'mark', he could feel power seeping out of him and before he knew it the whole room was plunged in darkness, opening his eyes he, for some unbeknownst reason, could 'feel' where his enemies were. Not being aware why this was happening, this gave him an edge, and he, one by one, started to kill his assailants. After this mission, he always tried to harness his new powers, but much to his annoyance, he only ever managed to use 1/10th of the power he used back then on will. Darkness - Apprentice. Stealth - Being trained under an assassin organization. Reconnaissance - Gather information about about targets or locations. Little First Aid Knowledge - Taught by the organization to self-heal during missions. Decent Marksmanship - Sometimes targets can't be killed with blades. Reading - Favored past-time he did when he was part of the Order. [/hider] [hider=Other Information~] Other Information: Demeanor changes around women rather than be sharp tongued and cold, he becomes submissive, becoming uncharacteristically shy and blushing a deep red. [/hider] . [hider=Other~] -=Rules=- 1. Listen to the GM, If you have a complaint tell me. I am not an evil dictator and if I am wrong I will admit it. 2. Romance and Gore allowed, But keep it in good taste and in site rules 3. Now not all characters will play nice with each other I understand that, but keep the disputes in the RP not in OOC 4. Be civilized and polite please 5. All basic RP rules apply to this roleplay: Power playing, Meta gaming, and others are not allowed. 6. The story isn't exactly set, If you have an idea for a hunt feel free to pm me the details and I'll try to work it in. 7. Copy the rules into a Hider in the "other" of your cs so I know you read them. 8. Get into your character's skin become him or her as you are playing have fun and give us insight into their thoughts. 9. Try to keep active, in both the IC and OOC pages please. And even if you don't have anything to say, at least read the OOC [/hider]