Name: [color=ed1c24]Ater DarkSoul[/color] Age: 17 Gender: male Race: Human Living or dead: dead [color=ed1c24]Powers:[/color], [color=fff200]Draining Light[/color], [color=39b54a]Great Embrace[/color], [color=662d91]Shape[/color] [color=fff200]Shift[/color] [color=fff200](takes time to become "physical")[/color] [color=662d91]Special Power:[/color] [color=662d91]Master Of Runes[/color] Description: Tall and skinny, with dark short combed hair (sometimes wears a Top Hat), blue eyes with swirling black shadows in them, has a dark cloak down to his ankles with some pockets in it, and a [color=ed1c24]necklace[/color] with an upside down red cross, and a sun and boy carved on it. Bio: he wanted nothing but power, so he joined [color=9e0b0f][i][u][u]The Red Son[/u][/u][/i][/color], a religious guild to praise demons, the group soon found out that he didn't truly believe in their demon gods, so they sacrificed him to their gods. Surprisingly hes not evil, he just looks that way. He is power hungry, and will stop at nothing to achieve it. [color=fff200](can materialize things out of thin air, but is not real, just a figment of imagination,if other people try to touch or grab it, or it falls out of Aters hand it dispersers after a couple seconds, and if it stays any longer than 5-20 Minutes it becomes physical, and disappears after 1-5 minutes when dropped, also does not have any taste or power to it .)[/color] [color=fff200](when Ater is attacked with unuf force the part which was hit turns into a black cloud, (it does no harm and is made of the same stuff which he materializes things out of the air with) he can try to fix the bodypart with the smoke (it will take 1 - 30 minutes, depending on how damaging it was) or he can go without the destroyed body part(also depending on how much the damage was))[/color] [color=fff200](Ater can draw runes with drawing materials he makes, only when it turns physical, and when he drops it (after 2-5 minutes), the rune looses its power and vanishes.)[/color] [color=fff200](Ater can make runes in the air with his smoke, after he draws one and uses it, it disperses and he has to make another one to attack)[/color] Color Code: [color=662d91]Purple:[/color] great power, [color=00a651]Green:[/color] healing power, [color=ed1c24]Red:[/color] attack power [color=fff200]Yellow:[/color] basic power There is a "secret" way for Ater to truly [color=ed1c24]die...[/color] [color=662d91]Basic Runes Known:[/color] [color=ed1c24]Mine[/color] (dos'nt work for ghosts,30 seconds to make), [color=fff200]Shield[/color](20 seconds to make), [color=fff200]Strengthen[/color](for doors and weapons, 8 seconds to make), [color=fff200]Heat[/color](10 seconds to make), [color=fff200]Freeze[/color](10 seconds to make), [color=fff200]Tunnel[/color](1 minute to make, [color=fff200]Trap[/color](25 seconds to make), [color=39b54a]Grow[/color] (for plants only, 15 seconds to make), [color=39b54a]Heal[/color](20 seconds to make), [color=fff200]Light[/color](8 seconds to make), [color=fff200]Fix[/color] (fix broken objects, 15 seconds to make), [color=ed1c24]Spike Trap[/color](30 seconds to make) [color=662d91]Air Runes Known:[/color](Runes drawn in air/ Attack Runes) [color=ed1c24]Flame Volly[/color](30 seconds to make), [color=fff200]Air[/color] [color=ed1c24]Push[/color](2 seconds to make), [color=fff200]Air[/color] [color=ed1c24]Pull[/color](2 seconds to make), [color=ed1c24]Freezing Winds[/color](20 seconds to make), [color=fff200]Shadow Snare[/color](15 seconds to make), [color=ed1c24]DO NOT LET HIM DRINK ALCOHOL![/color]