Name: Larz Theme Song: (Optional) Gender: Male Age: 150+ Appearance: [IMG][/img] Personality: Sadistic , Crazy , loves to here a joke once in awhile , a little cheery for a demon , enthusiastic and sometimes a total ass to people when he's angered. Favourite Colour(s): (Optional) "Oddly my favorite color is Orange." Favourite Food(s): (Optional) "Souls of course and maybe a sheep now and then." Hobbies: killing cattle , causing minor natural disasters and once in awhile killing someone for there soul. Weapons: Doesn't use weapons Powers/Abilities: Gift of the Demon- is a ability that probably every full blood basic demon has. The ability to fly, move at incredible speeds, lift beyond the weight of an elephant and drain the life out mortal creatures. The bad thing about this is that any item blessed by a priest or titled holy can easily make him powerless. Biography: larz is probably on of the oldest living things to be recorded in history. He was titled as a myth since no one has actually lived long enough to give a full description of Larz. The Myth states that there were once kingdoms in hell and verious powerful rulers. Larz was one of them and ruled over the void a small dark dot that was basically corrupted and swallowed up by evil. Years later Lucifer defeats the kingdoms and rebuilds hell from the ground up. Lucky Larz build a barrier to separate hell and the void. The myth continues on by saying Larz finally lost all he had when Lucifer confronts him and rips the void to shreds. In his final moments he consumed the rest of the void and removed his body from the realm of hell. The Myth ends with Larz dying in the earthly realm while he actually went into hiding.