[quote=@smarty0114] TK watched as the spear continued moving forward. He pushed back however, with all his focus, trying to stop the spear from moving any closer. He knew though, that he couldn't hold the shield forever. So, in a fluid maneuver, TK pushed outwards with his hands, releasing the energy in the shield towards Ethereal, and dropping to the floor so he wouldn't be hit by the construct. [/quote] ethereal was pushed up into the air by TK's wave of energy. he could have blocked it. he could have redirected it. he could have made this attack vanish. but he had taught TK enough for today, even though the telekinetic did not know it. TK could probably defend himself against a lot of enemies. but then again there is the fight against captain. he cant fight at all without his powers. once again he caught him self and levitated of the ground. he entered TK's mind, being careful to stay out of sight of his will. ethereal grabbed the messages of TK's eyes and twisted them to his will, creating the illusion the he was everywhere in the room. he then started to gather his will into a final move. he will win, no mater the cost.