[b]Cruor[/b] Cruor quickly back pedalled away from the sand conduit as he formed his sphere, using his tendrils to help him avoid the slabs of sand that were being hurled in every direction. [i]'A thick defense, but it must have a weak point somewhere.'[/i] With that in mind, he charged the sphere, launching on to it with long, spider-like legs he formed out of blood. As he landed, as expected, spikes of blood stabbed at what might be the height of an actual person, luckily he was high above that height. He crawled all over the sphere, looking for a opening somewhere in the sphere, and avoiding spike as he did so. When he found none, how ever he decided to make one. He charged up a bunch of tendrils, forming a large drill like one, and slammed it into the side of the sphere, making it spin. While he did that, he quickly yelled out to Scorn and Order. "I require assistance in the cracking of the exterior, so if one of you, but preferably both, could help me out, it would be much appreciated." [b]Ash[/b] Ash frowned as the sand conduit created his sphere and started hurling sand everywhere, this had gone on for long enough. "We'll have to cut this conversation short Eli, duty calls." Ash nodded before flying down to the ball ash solidifing around him to make an stylized armor, one the look rather angelic in form if not color scheme. He brought his hand up and launched 5 Ash Grenades at the sphere, striking it on all sides, before taking a soaring position right above it. "Lets see if we can make the city a nice new sculpture, shall we Sandy." He then blast a ball of fire downwards, set to ignite the ash and probably cause the entire thing to blow.