[quote=@Agent B52] I believe it was decided that Marcus would stumble over it in his spare parts collection and presume it was something he cobbled together while sloshed. Subsequently until it is revealed that Marcus did not in fact build it himself there would be a fight as he doesn't easily relinquish something he built. [/quote] Jayden will presume to stay on the sidelines munching on a carrot, Bugs Bunny style, while the rest of Jormungandr attempts to use awful, terrible, and rude tactics to get Marcus to give the arm up. I can have one of the teachers break up the fight, if that sounds like a good idea. "WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON HERE? I CAN'T SEE SHIT, BUT IT SOUNDS LIKE MISCHIEF AND IT SMELLS LIKE IT TOO. Also smells like sweat and teenage pheromones." Solomon would most likely shout the moment he stumbles upon everyone.