Leo hadn’t fully risen yet when she was upon him once again, straddling his huge form with her smaller one. With a burst of white sparkles and a painful crack, she struck him in the jaw, jerking his head to the left, then back to the right with another powerful strike. But before the third could connect, he snapped back into action, catching her incoming fist in his hand and using all his strength to stop it before it could reach his face. It was clear now that she was indeed stronger than him, so he couldn’t allow this to turn into an arm wrestling standoff if he wanted to win. When her next punch came in, instead of stopping it like the last, he pushed his forearm against hers to push her arm off to the side, hoping the momentum would cause her to end up punching the ground instead of him. If successful, that’d put her in an awkward position, which he would try to take advantage of by pushing away her right arm, in order to flip her off him and onto her back. If successful, he would roll with her in order to fully reverse the situation, and make a swift swipe for her face with the claws of his right hand.