[color=crimson]"I think codenames could be sort of cute. Besides, I don't think we should let people see our faces if we can help it. So honestly, I think masks are the way to go. Does anyone know how to sew or anything like that? I know how, I'd just rather have someone helping me. I can also make outfits for us to wear. Nothing dumb, just basic stuff but colored so we can easily identify each other even with the masks. Oh, and... text me what color you want."[/color] Penelope offered to the group, hearing Felyse talk about masks and such. She was about to agree with Vee when Nick spoke up, telling them to stay on their own case. [color=crimson]"I'm not sure I agree that the two groups can't help each other out if needed, but I do agree that we should focus on our assigned area. If any of you, at all, regardless of groups, needs my help, you have my number already."[/color] She told them, having already given each of them her number. A stupid wicked grin crossed Penelope's face as Nick spoke to her directly. [color=crimson]"Oh, trust me. They'll [i]wish[/i] I was allowed to kill them."[/color] She returned, something sinister in the way she spoke. A chuckle escaped her lips as her expression softened. [color=crimson]"Anyway, what are we waiting for? Let's get going. Someone try to get into contact with Darrien, please. He never gave me his number. Let him know what's going on."[/color] After that, she turned to Nick and smiled. [color=crimson]"Alright, sweet-lips, how about we blow this popsicle stand?"[/color] Penelope joked, laughing to herself. [color=crimson]"Group Two, meet up at the lab at 7:30PM. We'll talk about stuff then. I wouldn't recommend any of us going after any one until we have some form of disguise. So, if you get a color and size into me by tonight, I can work on those and get it to you in about two days time. That should be plenty of time for us to gather information and resources."[/color] Penelope spoke, addressing everyone, [color=crimson]"I'll meet the rest of you, Group Two, at 7:30PM in the lab. Bye!"[/color] She waved before running off, heading in the direction of the nearest fabric store, Rohrbach already on the line. She needed the money from him and she was just going to get an array of colors, whatever they needed. She could even get fancy with it. She chuckled to herself as she walked.