[center][img]http://wedhair.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/08/Fashion-hairstyles-for-small-eyes-girls-2014-3.jpg[/img] ~Stands at 2’8 | Very slender and petite~ Autumn Eirwen 6 *Look at Alastairs Bio* The shy, quiet one. She is very gentle. She hardly ever speaks above her normal soft voice and she tends to stutter and blush a lot when she is nervous or embarrassed. She is a klutz, tripping over her feet more often than not. She is a very kind and gentle soul who is easily upset and tends to cry a lot. Autumn can use the power of words to control inanimate objects therefore she has to be careful what she says.[/center] [center][img]http://img1.ask.fm/assets2/017/342/896/896/normal/__.jpg[/img] ~Stands at 6’1~ Alastair Eirwen 17 For the most part of his life, Alastair didn’t even know he had a sister until she arrived one day with the same last name as him and looking almost identical to his mother when she was Autumn’s age. The two clicked almost instantly and Alastair made it his vow to protect Autumn with his life. The serious one. Alastair really only talks to his sister. But he is anything but shy. He will not hesitate to tell you he doesn’t like you or what he thinks of you. He can be very blunt and uncaring about others feelings. Unless you’re Autumn. She is the only one he cares about and is gentle to. Alastair doesn’t get angry easily but when he does it is a cold anger. He won’t yell but talk in a soft voice that tells you, you have approximately ten seconds to book it because heads are about to roll. Artistic Animation~ The power to create any sort of being, object, etc with artistic means. He can give life to drawings/paintings.[/center]