So I have finalized the format of the IC posts: Each day is a year, and I will post a major event. My (or your, haven't decided) event: (Whatever I am calling it) Goethrael's total population, divide by no. of city states to get yours. (Point effects) Event description, 1 paragraph usually Immediate effects City state post: General state of your city-state How your council member reacts (Important motions, not really a 1st person) How your nation reacts (K.I.S.S.) Response to each effect. Probably 2 lines per effect. Extra credit: Quick bio of someone partaking in the event About twice a week, I would like census: Population: Leader: (If applicable, for four-year terms, you get 1 3/4 leader every week, so you have your choice your choice of 2 leaders with one missing limb) Major factions arisen/fallen since last census (quick bio): Morale (1-10, 1 is anarchy, 10 is paradise) Explain/expand Major achievements: (this is the place for the small stuff that brings life, i.e. books that have been written, musical compositions, great generals. A few heroes should probably go here)