[center][img]http://img1.ask.fm/assets2/017/342/896/896/normal/__.jpg[/img] ~Stands at 6’1~ Alastair Eirwen 18 Alastair is the polar opposite of his twin. He is not afraid to speak his mind and tell you what he thinks of you. He can be very feisty and has a bit of a temper. Only his sister has any hope of really calming him down. That said, Alastair is very protective of his sister though he does like to tease her from time to time. The twins came from a dysfunctional family. Their mother was always out with another guy and their father laid around all day drunk. Alastair always took the worst of the beatings curtsy of their father but Autumn has been on the receiving end of the mans fist as well. The twins were forced to grow up quickly and learn how to fend for themselves. They both got jobs when they were old enough so they could make money and to get out of the house. They both worked very hard and managed to graduate High School and enter college. They both lived on campus and got jobs there to help pay for school. Autumn got a job at the campus coffee shop and Alastair got a job helping get the grounds maintained.[/center] [center][img]http://img3.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20130718193633/wet-side-story-roleplay/images/thumb/2/2b/Sweet-emily-rudd-wallpaper.jpg/500px-Sweet-emily-rudd-wallpaper.jpg[/img] ~stands at 4’9~ Autumn Eirwen 18 Autumn is a very shy and caring girl. She is rather clumsy however and trips over her feet more often than not. She blushes and becomes embarrassed very easily and she is also very sensitive and easy to upset. She is very self-conscious about herself and not all that confidant. She tries to hide her feelings from people because she doesn’t want them to worry. A lot can be hidden behind one of Autumn’s smiles. Only Alastair is able to see through Autumn’s fake smiles and he always knows when something is wrong with her. *Look at Alastair’s Bio*[/center]