"You've no need to thank me, your majesty. I only do my duty as lord and as a loyal member of the nobility." Krager said with a smile, his armory rattling as he sat heavily at the table. The party present was....odd, to be sure. The first introduced himself as Thom, and already Krager felt a strong dislike for this one. Thieves made for poor company. The other was, to his surprise, Yeojin. He'd seen plenty when he fought in that bloody campain, mostly the savages butchering their fellows over some ethnic feud that to him seemed plainly idiotic. "Hail, friends. As lord of Karthwasten I welcome you to Farthing, and to this party." He raised his mug, the bright cider sloshing with the movement. "Ita good to see that there is still some loyalty left in this land." He paused when more entered the tavern. More foreigners, he saw, and then Sir Rand. He let out a hearty chuckle as he knocked back a long drink of the potent cider. "Strange that we've as many foreigners in this party as natives. No matter, any aid's welcome in these times."