Kieron awoke when a rotten slab of meat landed in his vicinity, splattering rancid juices and whatever other liquid from the floor onto his face. He blinked a few times and then wiped his face clean as he sat up. Looking around, he noticed the others begin to dig into their "food." With a heavy sigh, Kieron grabbed the piece of meat in front of him and eyed it for a moment before sinking his teeth into the rotten flesh. He ignored the sour taste, and the fact that he knew this was just a sad attempt at staving off starvation. The simple fact was that this was their only source of sustenance, and he would either have to eat, or die a slow, painful death. [i]Wouldn't that be nice.[/i] As a matter of fact, they would not allow him to starve to death. He had already tried it. His naturally optimistic and kind spirit had been withered down by his time in Lunie, and he only wished to end it. If a werewolf refused to eat, they simply tranquilized them and pumped them full of nutrients so that they could harvest that nice, plump liver. Kieron finished off the decomposing meat and looked down to his abdomen where the scar from the last removal was just barely visible now, thanks to werewolf healing abilities. But today, that scar would be reopened and he would begin the agonizing process all over again...