The Argonian did not seem pleased with Faire's answer, much to her own delight. It probably wasn't enough to convince any of her captors, though. The armored brute, Valerion is what the Argonian called it, told a tale about witnessing a Snow Elf. He provided great detail in his story and it sounded logical and possible... but what would her kin being doing with the Betrayed? Was her kin making progress to cure those cave dwellers? Obviously some progress was made as he had managed to manipulate the Betrayed into a sort of body guard. Could this be the lead she had been hoping for? Maybe capture was Auri-El's Will, added with a bit of Sai's luck. Whatever the case, she would have to gather more information from that Valerion. As Valerion approached even closer, the words he spoke stuck with her [i]"And not the last of your kind... for now."[/i] For the first time in a long time, Faire could feel a little warmth inside herself as hope kindled very lightly in her heart. Turning back to the Nord, Niko, she watched him cut her bonds and gave her the terms of her capture. She could be free by tomorrow if she wanted... But that isn't what she wanted. Not yet. Not until she knows where she could track down her kin and possibly exchanging a favor for a favor, she could get it. After all, why would Valerion care to keep that a secret from her. Faire had arisen to her feet and taking her belt back from the Nord. His offer of food was encouraging as the smell of sizzling elk had finally reached her nose. She hadn't had game like that in awhile. Faire continued taking a glance around the camp and shot a glare to the man who squealed about a Snow Elf being in present company. The man she had blinded earlier, she was sorry about that but she wasn't about to clue him in. Her attention turned back to Niko, the Nord. She was glad that he was at least appearing to be pleasant, but she dared not lower her guard. And she didn't answer him immediately as he wondered what her name was. Instead she brought her gaze up to the stars and stood there for a moment, remembering the last time she said her name. It was a long, long time ago, so much so, that she had written in her book several times just to remind herself. "Faire Agarwen." She said plainly, her gaze never leaving the stars. She didn't say anything else and instead turned and walked away. If yesterday she had said, [i]I'd be introducing myself to a Nord tomorrow[/i], she would have claimed to be mad and ran a sword through her gut. But this...this felt.. strangely alright. She hadn't communicated with a living being in months and not to this extent, either. For once, loneliness wasn't on her mind. Faire Agarwen paced about the camp a bit. Conversation in the camp seemed to be leaning towards talk about dragons. It seems the people here were serious about that, and many thought they weren't going to fair well against one. Lucky for them, Faire could handle big game such as dragons. Her favor... for their favor. The thought of the hunt began filling her mind as she finally settled down next to the fire. She sat with her arms crossed as the blinded man and some Nordish woman conversed. Preoccupied with her thoughts, she laid on her back and closed her eyes for a bit. At least long enough for captors to present her with food.