There was a cracking sound and Autumn looked up, eyes widening as the ice wave splintered. Everything next happened in slow motion to her. She watched as the ice cracked before blowing apart. She watched as a long, razor sharp piece shoot into her direction as she stood rooted to the spot in shock. Suddenly, time resumed as an arm wrapped around her middle and jerked her back, shielding her face as flames shot out of the tips of slender fingers, vaporizing the ice before it could reach them. Autumn stood there pressed against Aiden as the flame-wielder grasped her shoulders and held her at arms length as his eyes ran down the length of her, making sure she was okay. A sigh of relief escaped him to find her uninjured and the boy hugged her to his chest. Then Alastair and Aldous descended on them and the process was repeated as the both of them held her out and made sure she was okay before hugging her. She told them repeatedly that she was fine but they didn't believe her until they had seen for themselves she was unscathed. Aldous narrowed his eyes, scanning the beach to try and see who had broken the wave of ice. He tensed as he saw a figure heading there way and he inched closer to his siblings protectively, crimson eyes never leaving the approaching woman. Aiden stroked Autumn's head, more to remind himself that she was okay than comfort her. He had been so scared when he had looked up at the cracking sound and saw a shard of ice headed right for his sister. He was just thankful he had reacted fast enough. Concern shone on Alastair's otherwise expressionless face. He had never so scared in his life. He vowed to keep a closer watch on her, never knowing when something like that could happen again.